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category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 5
translation: skin, leather
皮: kawa
皮の: kawano: leather (a.), leather-made
Kanji words: 皮膚 , 皮膜 , 脱皮 , 毛皮 , 皮肉
Expressions: 羊の皮 , 竹の皮 , 鹿の皮 , 海豹の皮 , 山羊皮 , 子牛の皮 , 蜜柑の皮 , 林檎の皮 , パイの皮 , パンの皮

category: JIS2
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: wrinkles, lines, furrows, creases, rumples, folds
suu, shou
皺: shiwa
皺にする: shiwanisuru: crinkle, wrinkle (up), fold
皺が寄る: shiwagayoru: become wrinkled [creased, crumpled] <<<
皺の寄った顔: shiwanoyottakao: wrinkled face
皺に成る: shiwaninaru: crease, be crumpled, pucker <<<
皺に成らない: shiwaninaranai: be crease-free <<<
皺を伸ばす: shiwaonobasu: smooth (out) creases, press out the wrinkles, iron out <<<
皺くちゃの: shiwakuchano: wrinkled, crumpled, rumpled, withered
皺だらけの: shiwadarakeno
皺くちゃにする: shiwakuchanisuru: rumple, crumple (up), wrinkle, crease
皺くちゃ婆: shiwakuchababaa: wizened old woman <<<
Expressions: 縮緬皺 , 目尻の皺

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