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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: step, tread, stamp, trample
sen, zen
践む: humu: step [tread] on, stamp, trample
Kanji words: 実践
synonyms: ,

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: milk
酪: chichizake: milk (anc.)
Kanji words: 酪農

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: distribute, share, issue, proclaim
han, hun
頒ける: wakeru: distribute, share, allot <<< ,
頒く: shiku: issue, proclaim <<<

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: hold concurrently, combine, all
gai, kai
該ねる: kaneru: hold [have] concurrently [in addition], combine, unite, serve as well <<<
該の: sono: this, that <<<
Kanji words: 該当

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: sleep
睡る: nemuru: sleep, have a sleep, fall asleep, take a nap <<<
Kanji words: 睡蓮 , 睡眠 , 睡魔 , 微睡

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: praise, admire, honor, glory, credit, fame
誉れ: homare: honor, glory, credit, fame
誉める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire
誉めそやす: homesoyasu: speak very highly of, praise [extol] (a person) to the skies
誉めちぎる: homechigiru
誉めるに足る: homerunitaru: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable <<<
誉む可き: homubeki <<<
誉: nori, takashi: pers.
Kanji words: 栄誉 , 名誉

category: common usage
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 13
translation: send a person., dispatch
遣わす: tsukawasu: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.)
遣う: tsukau: employ a person (jp.) <<< 使
遣る: yaru: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.), do, perform
遣り合う: yariau: have sharp words (with), dispute, wrangle <<<
遣り返す: yarikaesu: answer back, retort <<<
遣り切れない: yarikirenai: cannot bear, can hardly stand, be unbearable, be intolerable <<<
遣り込める: yarikomeru: put (a person) to silence, talk (a person) down, corner (a person) in argument <<<
遣り過ぎる: yarisugiru: overdo, go too far, do (a matter) too much <<<
遣り過す: yarisugosu: let (a person) pass by one, allow (a person) to pass on, eat [drink] too much <<<
遣り直す: yarinaosu: do (a matter) over again [once more], do (a matter) over from the very beginning <<<
遣り難い: yarinikui: difficult [hard] to do [deal with], awkward <<<
遣り抜く: yarinuku: achieve, carry through [out], accomplish, stick to (one's business) to the very last <<<
遣り通す: yaritoosu <<<
遣り遂げる: yaritogeru <<<
遣らかす: yarakasu: do, perform
遣られる: yarareru: be defeated, be beaten, be done for, be outwitted, be imposed upon, have (a thing) stolen, be stolen, fall ill, be taken ill, be damaged [injured, broken, destroyed, hit], be wounded, be killed [murdered]
遣らせ: yarase: frame-up, setup
Kanji words: 蛇遣い , 小遣 , 心遣い , 思い遣 , 派遣 , 遣る気
Expressions: 嫁に遣る , 暇を遣る , 呼びに遣る , 使いを遣る , 株を遣る , 気遣う , 気遣わしい , 気遣わしげに , 迎えに遣る , 餌を遣る , 緩り遣る , 追い遣る , 負けて遣る , 祝儀を遣る , 遣り放題 , 使者を遣わす , 言葉遣い , ピッチャーを遣る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: sleep, rest
寝る: neru: sleep, go to sleep, fall asleep, take a nap
寝かす: nekasu: put (a person) to sleep [bed], send (a person) to sleep, lull(a baby) to sleep
寝られない: nerarenai: cannot get a sleep, lie [be kept] awake
寝ずに: nezuni: without sleeping
寝ずに居る: nezuniiru: stay [sit] up, be up late at night, remain awake <<<
寝て暮らす: netekurasu: idle [while] one's time away <<<
寝ても覚めても: netemosametemo: awake or sleep, night and day, all the time <<<
寝る子は育つ: nerukohasodatsu: sleep brings up a child well, a well-slept child is a well-kept child
寝た子を起こす: netakoookosu: Let sleeping dogs lie
寝たきりの: netakirino: bedridden
寝惚ける: nebokeru: be dazed with a sleep, be half sleep <<<
寝惚け眼で: nebokemanakode: half-sleeping [half-waking] eyes
寝惚け顔: nebokegao: sleepy face
寝そべる: nesoberu: lay sprawled
寝そびれる: nesobireru: fail to sleep, be sleepless
寝む: yasumu: go to bed, have a rest <<<
寝: mitamaya: altar <<< 祭壇
Kanji words: 寝巻 , 寝言 , 昼寝 , 就寝 , 寝相 , 寝入 , 寝坊 , 寝具 , 寝室 , 寝台 , 寝癖 , 寝業
Expressions: 未だ寝てる , 一緒に寝る , 寝小便 , 寝小便をする , 寝不足 , 寝不足で , 寝不足の為 , 地面に寝る
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: store, hoard, treasure, save
蓄える: takuwaeru: store up, lay in store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up, garner
Kanji words: 蓄積 , 蓄膿症 , 貯蓄 , 備蓄
Expressions: 蓄電池

category: common usage
other spells: 块
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 13
translation: block, clod, lump, mass
塊: tsuchikure: clod of (earth)
塊り: katamari: block (n.), lump, mass
塊に成る: katamarininaru: lump (v.), mass <<<
Kanji words: 酸塊
Expressions: 氷の塊 , 欲の塊 , 嘘の塊

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