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category: common usage
other spells: 說
keyword: science
Number of strokes: 14
translation: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, glad (conf.), pleased
setsu, zei, etsu
説: setsu: opinion, view, doctrine, theory, talk, rumor
説く: toku: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, illustrate, advise (a person to do), persuade (a person to do, a person into doing), urge (a person to do), preach, teach
説ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased <<<
Kanji words: 俗説 , 小説 , 解説 , 社説 , 説得 , 演説 , 異説 , 逆説 , 伝説 , 説明
Expressions: 口説く , 分子説 , 波動説 , 道理を説く , 星雲説 , 大陸移動説 , 快楽説 , 限界効用説

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 14
translation: drift, float
漂よう: tadayou: drift (vi.), float
Kanji words: 漂流 , 漂白
Expressions: 波に漂う

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 14
translation: punishment, penalty
batsu, bachi, hatsu
罰する: bassuru: punish, inflict [impose] a punishment (on), gruel
罰を課する: batsuokasuru: inflict punishment [a penalty] (on a person) <<<
罰を与える: batsuoataeru <<<
罰を加える: batsuokuwaeru <<<
罰を受ける: batsuoukeru: be punished <<<
罰すべき: bassubeki: punishable
Kanji words: 天罰 , 罰金
Expressions: 罪と罰 , 重い罰

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 14
translation: right, edge (bor.)
端: tan: unit of cloth's length (jp.) <<< ,
端を発する: tannohassuru: originate in [from], arise [start] from <<<
端しい: tadashii: right, correct <<<
端め: hajime: beginning, start <<< ,
端: hashi: end, tip, edge, border, corner, scrap, piece
端から端まで: hashikarahashimade: from end to end, from cover to cover (of book)
端無くも: hashinakumo: accidentally, by chance, unexpectedly <<<
端: hashita: fraction, odd sum, fragment
端の: hashitano: fractional, odd
端たない: hashitanai: mean, low, vulgar <<< 下品
端が出る: hashitagaderu: have sth. over, leave a fraction <<<
端折る: hashioru, hashoru: tuck up [in], cut short, abridge <<<
端: hata: edge
端に: masani: exactly <<<
端: ha: side (jp.)
Kanji words: 途端 , 端末 , 半端 , 末端 , 先端 , 端書 , 端緒 , 発端 , 片端 , 出端
Expressions: 囲炉裏端 , 井戸端

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: cruel, brutal, severe, heavy, violent, hard, awful, terrible, dreadful, unreasonable, excessive, outrageous, rigorous, harsh
酷な: kokuna: hard, severe, cruel, harsh, rigorous, rigid, strict
酷い: mugoi: cruel, brutal <<<
酷い: hidoi: severe, heavy, violent, hard, awful, terrible, dreadful, cruel, unreasonable, excessive, outrageous, egregious
酷い目に会う: hidoimeniau: have an awful experience, have a hard time
酷い目に会わせる: hidoimeniawaseru: give a person a good licking, teach a person a lesson
酷い事をする: hidoikotoosuru <<<
酷く: hidoku: severely, heavily, exceedingly, terribly, badly, cruelly, outrageously
酷く成る: hidokunaru: grow worse, grow violent <<<
酷しい: kibishii: severe, rigorous, harsh <<<
酷しい: hanahadashii: very much, exceedingly, extremely <<<
Kanji words: 酷評 , 残酷 , 酷使 , 冷酷
Expressions: 風が酷い , 手酷い , 酷い風邪 , 酷い仕打ちをする , 酷い仕打を受ける

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 14
translation: prison, jail
獄に投じる: gokunitoujiru: send to prison <<<
獄: hitoya: prison, jail
Kanji words: 投獄 , 監獄 , 地獄 , 脱獄 , 煉獄

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hair, locks, tresses
hatsu, hochi
髪: kami
髪を結う: kamioyuu: dress [do up, fix up] one's hair <<<
髪を刈る: kamiokaru: cut one's hair <<<
髪を切る: kamiokiru <<<
髪を梳く: kamiosuku: comb one's hair <<<
髪を梳かす: kamiotokasu <<<
髪を整える: kamiototonoeru <<<
髪を解く: kamiotoku: let [put] down one's hair <<<
髪を編む: kamioamu: braid one's hair <<<
髪を結ぶ: kamiomusubu: tie up one's hair <<<
髪を縮らす: kamiochiJirasu: frizzle one's hair <<<
髪を染める: kamiosomeru: dye one's hair <<<
髪を分ける: kamiowakeru: part one's hair <<<
髪を洗う: kamioarau: wash one's hair <<<
Kanji words: 毛髪 , 黒髪 , 髪型 , 散髪 , 前髪 , 髪結 , 白髪 , 金髪 , 理髪
Expressions: ブロンド髪 , ブロンド髪の , 髪をカールする
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 14
translation: porcupine, strong (bor.), excellent, manly, Australia (pref.)
gou, kou
豪: yamaarashi: porcupine <<< 山荒
Kanji words: 剣豪 , 富豪 , 豪邸 , 豪華 , 強豪 , 豪雨 , 豪快 , 豪州 , 豪傑
Expressions: 豪ドル
synonyms: オーストラリア

category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 14
translation: ink, black (conf.), dark
墨: sumi: ink stick, (India, China) ink
墨い: kurai: dark, obscure <<<
墨い: kuroi: black <<<
墨で書く: sumidekaku: write in Indian [Chinese] ink <<<
墨を磨る: sumiosuru: rub an ink stick <<<
墨を付ける: sumiotsukeru: smear with ink <<<
墨を漬ける: sumiotsukeru: dip in ink <<<
墨を吐く: sumiohaku: spurt the ink <<<
Kanji words: 靴墨 , 墨絵 , 水墨 , 眉墨
Expressions: 烏賊の墨
synonyms: インク
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: line, rope, cord, cable
綱: tsuna
綱を張る: tsunaoharu: stretch a rope <<<
Kanji words: 要綱 , 大綱 , 手綱 , 横綱 , 綱引 , 艫綱
Expressions: 犬の綱 , 頼みの綱 , 干物綱 , クロム綱
synonyms: ケーブル , ロープ
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