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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 16
translation: loosen, slack, vertical (longer than horizontal thread)
juu, shou
縦: tate: length, height, longitude
縦の: tateno: longitudinal, lengthwise (a.), vertical, perpendicular
縦に: tateni: longitudinally, lengthwise (adv.), vertically, perpendicularly
縦む: yurumu: slacken (vi.), loosen <<<
縦す: hanasu: release, let loose <<<
縦いまま: hoshiimama: arbitrary, wayward, freely <<<
縦い: tatoi, tatoe: even if
縦んば: yoshinba
Kanji words: 操縦 , 縦断 , 縦横 , 縦隊
Expressions: 縦断面 , 縦座標

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 16
translation: grip, fidelity, handle (ext.), conduct, drive
操る: toru: grip, take firmly <<< ,
操: misao: chastity, fidelity, faith
操: omomuki: appearance, look <<<
操る: ayatsuru: handle (jp.), manage, operate, steer
Kanji words: 操作 , 貞操 , 節操 , 操舵 , 操縦 , 操業 , 体操 , 操車
Expressions: 櫓を操る , 陰で操る

category: to learn in school
keyword: road
Number of strokes: 16
translation: bridge
橋: hashi
橋を架ける: hashiokakeru: build a bridge (over, across) <<<
橋を渡る: hashiowataru: cross the bridge <<<
Kanji words: 鉄橋 , 桟橋 , 吊橋 , 架橋 , 掛橋 , 陸橋 , 艦橋 , 橋頭堡
Expressions: 一本橋 , 橋の欄干 , 歩道橋 , 旋回橋 , 金門橋 , 横断橋 , 開閉橋 , 太鼓橋 , 橋の手前 , ボスポラス橋 , ブルックリン橋 , アビニョンの橋

category: to learn in school
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 16
translation: tree, plant, cultivate
樹: ki: tree <<<
樹える: ueru: plant, cultivate <<<
樹てる: tateru: stand up <<<
Kanji words: 樹液 , 樹海 , 樹脂 , 樹木
Expressions: 菩提樹 , 月桂樹 , 広葉樹 , 広葉樹の , 落葉樹 , 針葉樹 , 針葉樹の

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 16
translation: construct, build, consolidate (the earth)
築く: kizuku: construct, build
築く: tsuku: consolidate (the earth)
Kanji words: 築地 , 建築 , 新築 , 構築
Expressions: 礎を築く , 要塞を築く , 堤防を築く , 防波堤を築く

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 16
translation: burn, blaze
燃える: moeru: burn (vi.), blaze
燃やす: moyasu: burn (vt.), kindle, light
燃す: mosu
燃え上がる: moeagaru: blaze [flare] up, burst into flames <<<
燃え付く: moetsuku: catch [take] fire, kindle, ignite <<<
燃え広がる: moehirogaru: spread (to) <<<
燃え難い: moenikui: do not burn easily, be uninflammable <<<
Kanji words: 燃油 , 燃費 , 燃焼 , 燃料 , 内燃
Expressions: 怒りに燃える , 嫉妬に燃える , 情熱を燃やす

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 16
translation: send, forward
輸る: okuru: send, forward, remit, transmit, ship, consign, dispatch <<<
輸す: itasu: do, cause <<<
Kanji words: 輸血 , 運輸 , 輸送 , 密輸 , 輸出 , 輸入 , 禁輸

category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 16
translation: mansion, palace, house, building
館: yakata: mansion, palace
Kanji words: 旅館 , 会館 , 水族館 , 開館 , 館長 , 本館
Expressions: 国技館 , 大使館 , 図書館 , 領事館 , 博物館 , 絵画館 , 体育館 , 白亜館 , 映画館 , 美術館 , 牧師館 , 武道館 , 資料館 , 公使館

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 16
translation: pile up, heap up, collect
seki, shaku
積む: tsumu: pile up, heap up
積もる: tsumoru: be piled, accumulate
積もり: tsumori: intention, motive, thought, purpose, expectation, anticipation
積える: takuwaeru: store up, collect
積み上げる: tsumiageru: pile [heap] up, accumulate, stack up <<<
積み入れる: tsumiireru: ship (v.), take in, take on board <<<
積み替える: tsumikaeru: transfer, transship, reship <<<
積み重なる: tsumikasanaru: be piled up, lie in piles, accumulate <<<
積み重ねる: tsumikasaneru: place (one thing) upon (another), pile up, accumulate, heap (v.), make a heap of <<<
積み込む: tsumikomu: load (a truck), ship (a cargo), take in <<<
積み出す: tsumidasu: send off (by ship, by train), ship off <<<
積み立てる: tsumitateru: save up (money), put [lay] (money) by, deposit <<<
積み直す: tsuminaosu: reload, pile over again <<<
積み残す: tsuminokosu: leave (a thing) unloaded, shut out from shipping <<<
Kanji words: 蓄積 , 積極 , 面積 , 容積 , 体積 , 積地 , 積木 , 堆積 , 見積 , 積立
Expressions: 山と積む , 雪が積もる , 煉瓦を積む , 表面積 , 荷物を積む , 修行を積む , 貨物を積む , 立方積 , トレーニングを積んだ , ベクトル積

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 16
translation: head, brain, chief, leader, boss
tou, zu, to
頭: atama: head, top, brain
頭が痛い: atamagaitai: have a headache <<<
頭を抱える: atamaokakaeru: bury one's head in one's arms, be utterly perplexed <<<
頭を掻く: atamaokaku: scratch one's head <<<
頭を振る: atamaohuru: shake one's head <<<
頭を絞る: atamaoshiboru: cudgel [rack] one's brain, be worried (about) <<<
頭を働かす: atamaohatarakasu: use one's head <<<
頭が良い: atamagaii, atamagayoi: have a clear head, be clear-headed <<<
頭が悪い: atamagawarui: have no brains, be dull-headed <<<
頭が変な: atamagahennna: queer in the head <<<
頭の疲れ: atamanotsukare: mental exhaustion <<<
頭に来る: atamanikuru: get on one's nerves, go to one's head <<<
頭: kashira: head, chief <<< ボス
頭: kami: a Japanese court rank
Kanji words: 頭部 , 店頭 , 先頭 , 頭金 , 鶏頭 , 接頭 , 禿頭 , 頭巾 , 頭取 , 頭上 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 一頭 , 口頭 , 巻頭 , 頭脳 , 街頭 , 頭痛 , 没頭 , 冒頭 , 初頭 , 地頭 , 饅頭 , 船頭 , 竜頭 , 若頭 , 橋頭堡 , 出頭
Expressions: 尖った頭 , 釘の頭 , 頭骸骨 , 頭が可笑しい , 毬栗頭 , 薬缶頭 , 薬缶頭の , 坊主頭 , 出会い頭に , 頭が朦朧とする , 給仕頭 , 頭文字 , 白髪頭の , 出世頭 , 頭が鋭敏 , 頭の切替 , 人夫頭

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