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category: common usage
keyword: plant , color
Number of strokes: 16
translation: thin, light, clear, weak, faint, fade
haku, baku
薄い: usui: thin, light, clear, weak, faint, fade, tenuous
薄い色: usuiiro: light color <<<
薄いお茶: usuiocha: weak tea <<<
薄める: usumeru: lighten (vt.), weaken, dilute, water down
薄くする: usukusuru: thin (v.), lighten, weaken, dilute
薄まる: usumaru: lighten (vi.), weaken, dilute
薄く成る: usukunaru: become [get] thin <<<
薄く切る: usukukiru: slice thinly, cut into slivers [thin slices] <<<
薄らぐ: usuragu: thin (vi.), fade, become faint
薄れる: usureru
薄汚い: usugitanai: dirty-looking, filthy, untidy <<<
薄暗い: usugurai: gloomy, dim, dusky <<<
薄暗く成る: usugurakunaru: become dark
薄黒い: usuguroi: darkish, blackish <<<
薄ら寒い: usurazamui: a little chilly, rather cold <<<
薄: susuki: pampas grass <<<
Kanji words: 希薄 , 薄型 , 薄荷 , 軽薄 , 薄情 , 薄力粉 , 薄弱 , 薄利 , 薄氷
Expressions: 肉の薄い , 影が薄い , 儲けが薄い , 薄い肉片 , 薄化粧

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 16
translation: plan, plot, deceive, stratagem
bou, mu
謀る: hakaru, tabakaru: plan (v.), attempt, strive for, plot, deceive
謀: hakarigoto: stratagem, plot (n.), trick, plan, scheme
謀り: tabakari
Kanji words: 首謀者 , 無謀 , 参謀 , 陰謀 , 謀叛
Expressions: 暗殺を謀る

category: common usage
keyword: drug
Number of strokes: 16
translation: medicine, drug, remedy, poison, good, benefit
薬: kusuri: medicine, drug, remedy, pill, tablet, tonic
薬の: kusurino: medicinal, therapeutic
薬が効く: kusurigakiku: A dose works [takes effect] <<<
薬を飲む: kusurionomu: take medicine <<<
薬を飲ませる: kusurionomaseru: administer medicine (to) <<<
薬を盛る: kusuriomoru: compound [prescribe] a medicine <<<
薬に成る: kusurininaru: become a good lesson <<<
Kanji words: 投薬 , 傷薬 , 薬局 , 劇薬 , 麻薬 , 毒薬 , 薬用 , 薬草 , 薬莢 , 農薬 , 薬指 , 薬品 , 薬剤 , 医薬 , 目薬 , 座薬 , 火薬 , 芍薬 , 薬屋 , 試薬 , 媚薬 , 薬缶 , 薬味 , 弾薬 , 製薬
Expressions: 薬の調合 , 消毒薬 , 万能薬 , 下痢止め薬 , 散布薬 , 薬学部 , 感冒薬 , 麻酔薬 , 気付薬 , 特効薬 , 万病薬 , 風邪薬 , 堕胎薬 , 複合薬 , 睡眠薬 , 漢方薬 , 胃腸薬 , 治療薬 , 保健薬 , 塗布薬 , 避妊薬 , 頭痛薬 , 内服薬 , 爆発薬 , 予防薬

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 16
translation: wall
壁: kabe: wall, partition
壁を塗る: kabeonuru: plaster a wall, paint a wall <<<
壁に絵を掛ける: kabenieokakeru: hang a picture one the wall
壁に塗り込む: kabeninurikomu: wall in
壁に耳有り: kabenimimiari: Walls have ears
壁に突き当たる: kabenitsukiataru: be deadlocked
壁: toride: fortress <<<
Kanji words: 壁蝨 , 外壁 , 岸壁 , 壁紙 , 壁画 , 城壁 , 防壁
Expressions: 防護壁 , 仕切壁 , 音速の壁 , 正面の壁 , 関税壁 , 火口壁 , 防火壁 , ベルリンの壁

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 16
translation: muddy, turbid, cloudy, impure
daku, joku
濁る: nigoru: become muddy [impure, cloudy], have a flat sound
濁った: nigotta: muddy, turbid, cloudy
濁す: nigosu: make muddy [turbid]
濁り: nigori: muddiness, impurity, voiced-sound mark
Kanji words: 濁流
Expressions: 御茶を濁す , 小便が濁る , 言葉を濁す

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 16
translation: defend, guard, protect, escort
ei, e
衛る: mamoru: defend, guard, protect, escort
衛り: mamori: defense (against), protection
Kanji words: 護衛 , 守衛 , 近衛 , 防衛 , 衛兵 , 後衛 , 前衛 , 自衛 , 衛星 , 衛生

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 16
translation: neighbor, border on
隣: tonari: neighborhood, neighborliness, vicinity
隣の: tonarino: next, next door, neighboring, adjoining, adjjacent
隣の人: tonarinohito: one's (next-door) neighbor <<<
隣の家: tonarinoie: next [neighboring, adjoining] house <<<
隣に座る: tonarinisuwaru: sit text (a person) <<<
隣る: tonaru
Kanji words: 隣国 , 隣人 , 近隣
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 16
translation: beast, animal
juu, jiu
獣: kemono, kedamono
獣の様な: kemononoyouna, kedamononoyouna: bestial <<<
Kanji words: 野獣 , 怪獣 , 猛獣 , 獣医 , 獣姦
Expressions: 一角獣 , 肉食獣 , 獣医学
synonyms: 動物 , 畜生

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 16
translation: high leg dish
jou, tei
錠: jou: lock (n., jp.), padlock, tablet
錠を下ろす: jouoorosu: lock (v.), fasten a lock <<<
錠を開ける: jouoakeru: unlock <<<
Kanji words: 手錠
Expressions: 南京錠 , ビタミン錠
synonyms: ロック
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 16
translation: cloudy
don, tan
曇る: kumoru: become cloudy [overcast], be [become] dim [blurred] (jp.), be smoked, cloud, falter
曇り: kumori: cloudy weather [sky], blur (jp.)
曇り勝ちの: kumorigachino: cloudy <<<
曇った: kumotta
曇り無い: kumorinai: cloudless, clean, clear, stainless <<<
曇り後晴れ: kumorinochihare: 'Cloudy, fine later'
曇りガラス: kumorigarasu: frosted glass
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