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category: JIS2
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 17
translation: sleet
ei, you
霙: mizore
霙が降る: mizoregahuru: It sleets <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 17
translation: snore
鼾: ibiki: snore (n.), snoring
鼾を掻く: ibikiokaku: snore (v.), snort <<<
鼾掻き: ibikikaki: snorer <<<
鼾を掻く人: ibikiokakuhito

category: JIS2
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 17
translation: wen, lump, swelling, bump, hump, bulge, protuberance, knob, knot
ryuu, ru
瘤: kobu
瘤の有る: kobunoaru: gnarled, gnarly, knobbed, knotted <<<
瘤が出る: kobugaderu: A bump comes out <<<
瘤が出来る: kobugadekiru
Expressions: 駱駝の瘤 , 動脈瘤 , 静脈瘤

category: JIS2
keyword: flower
Number of strokes: 17
translation: (flower) bud
蕾: tsubomi
蕾が出る: tsubomigaderu: be budding <<<
蕾が付く: tsubomigatsuku <<<
蕾を付ける: tsubomiotsukeru <<<
蕾が膨らむ: tsubomigahukuramu: be in full bud <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: game
Number of strokes: 17
translation: die, dice (plur.)
賽を投げる: saionageru: dice (v.), cast [throw] dice <<<
賽を転がす: saiokorogasu <<<
賽を振る: saiohuru <<<
賽の目: sainome: spots on a die <<<
賽の目に切る: sainomenikiru: dice (v.), cut into small cubes
賽は投げられた: saiwanagerareta: The die is cast <<<
Kanji words: 賽子 , 賽銭

category: JIS2
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 17
translation: needle, acupuncture, prick, stick
shin, ken
鍼: hari: needle, acupuncture
鍼す: sasu: prick, stick <<<
鍼をする: hariosuru: apply [treat with] acupuncture
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: fish
Number of strokes: 17
translation: tuna fish
shi, ki
鮨: shibi: tuna fish <<<
鮨: sushi: sushi (jp.) <<< 寿司

category: JIS2
keyword: advertisement
Number of strokes: 17
translation: official notice [letter], manifesto, declaration, appeal
geki, keki
檄: hurebumi: official notice [declaration]
檄を飛ばす: gekiotobasu: issue a manifesto, appeal (to) <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 17
translation: tangle, difficulties, complication
縺れる: motsureru: be all knots in tangles, be disheveled, become complicated, be entangled, lisp, speak inarticulately
縺れ: motsure: tangle, difficulties, complication
縺れを解く: motsureotoku: disentangle, unravel <<<

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 17
translation: shade, shadow
翳す: kazasu: hold up (a thing) over one's head, hold (a thing) high
翳り: kumori: cloudy <<<
翳: kage: shadow <<<
翳り: kageri
翳: kinugasa: silk umbrella
Expressions: 振り翳す

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