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category: to learn in school
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 5
translation: commit [perpetrate] (a crime), violate [break] (the law), offend against, rape, assault
han, bon
犯す: okasu
Kanji words: 防犯 , 犯罪 , 犯行 , 犯人
Expressions: 罪を犯す , 過ちを犯す , 法を犯す , 放火犯 , 罪悪を犯す , 政治犯 , 犯罪を犯す , 犯行を犯す , 刑事犯 , 強姦犯 , 大罪を犯す , 知能犯 , 誘拐犯 , 過失を犯す , 単独犯 , 不義を犯す , 作為犯 , 風俗犯 , 恐喝犯 , 思想犯 , 重罪を犯す , 重罪犯 , 常習犯 , 反則を犯す , 条約を犯す , 国外犯 , 殺人を犯す , 殺人犯 , フライングを犯す

category: to learn in school
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 10
translation: kill, slay, murder, massacre, slaughter, butcher, erase, delete
satsu, setsu, sai
殺す: korosu: kill, slay, murder (v.), massacre, slaughter, butcher, whack
殺される: korosareru: get [be] killed, be put to death, get done in, snuff it, fall apart
殺し: koroshi: murder (n.), massacre, slaughter
殺し屋: koroshiya: hired [professional] killer <<<
殺る: kezuru: erase, delete <<<
殺ぐ: sogu
Kanji words: 忙殺 , 殺戮 , 殺意 , 殺害 , 必殺 , 屠殺 , 殺菌 , 暗殺 , 殺伐 , 殺虫剤 , 射殺 , 殺到 , 虐殺 , 自殺 , 黙殺 , 殺気 , 殺人
Expressions: 虫を殺す , 虫も殺さぬ , 叩き殺す , 噛み殺す , 斬り殺す , 殴り殺す , 打ち殺す , 興を殺ぐ , 掴み殺す , 息を殺す , 幼児殺し , 殺し文句 , 兄弟殺し , 子供殺し , 殺しのドレス

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , crime
Number of strokes: 12
translation: outrun, do too much, mistake
過ぎる: sugiru: outrun, do too much
過ぎた事: sugitakoto: past event, bygones <<<
過ぎた事は仕方が無い: sugitakotohashikataganai: Let bygones be bygones, What's done cannot be undone
過ごす: sugosu: pass (vi.), spend (time)
過る: yogiru: cross (v.)
過つ: ayamatsu: mistake (v.), err <<<
過ち: ayamachi: mistake (n.), fault, error
過ちを犯す: ayamachiookasu: commit a fault, make a mistake <<<
過ちを改める: ayamachioaratameru: mend one's ways <<<
過: toga: fault, blame, crime <<<
Kanji words: 経過 , 通過 , 過失 , 過信 , 過去 , 過程 , 過言 , 過激 , 過大 , 超過 , 過度 , 過密 , 過小 , 過剰
Expressions: 冬を過す , 度を過ごす , 度が過ぎる , 使い過ぎる , 盛りが過ぎる , 買い過ぎる , 飲み過ぎる , 量を過ごす , 遣り過ぎる , 遣り過す , 高過ぎる , 通り過ぎる , 出過ぎる , 払い過ぎる , 払い過ぎ , 正午過ぎに , 過半数 , 過半数を得る , 過半数を占める , 期限が過ぎる , 重大な過ち , 冗談が過ぎる , 愉快に過ごす

category: to learn in school
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 13
translation: crime, offense, guilt
罪: tsumi
罪な: tsumina: cruel, inhuman
罪の有る: tsuminoaru: guilty, sinful, blamable <<<
罪の無い: tsuminonai: not guilty, blameless, harmless <<<
罪に処する: tsuminishosuru: punish (a person), condemn (a person to) <<<
罪に服する: tsuminihukusuru: plead guilty, admit the charge <<<
罪に陥れる: tsuminiotoshiireru: incriminate (a person) <<<
罪を犯す: tsumiookasu: commit a crime [sin] <<<
罪を購う: tsumioaganau: expiate [atone for] one's crime [sin] <<<
罪を免れる: tsumiomanugareru: escape punishment, be acquitted of a charge <<<
罪を負う: tsumioou: hold oneself blamable [responsible] (for), take the guilty [blame] upon oneself <<<
罪を減じる: tsumiogenjiru: mitigate [reduce] a person's punishment <<<
罪と罰: tsumitobatsu: Crime and Punishment (a novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1866) <<<
Kanji words: 謝罪 , 罪悪 , 罪人 , 犯罪 , 大罪 , 無罪 , 罪業 , 重罪
Expressions: 侮辱罪 , 無実の罪 , 贈賄罪 , 猥褻罪 , 堕胎罪 , 姦通罪 , 反逆罪 , 恐喝罪 , 偽造罪 , 横領罪 , 浮浪罪

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 8
translation: abduct, kidnap, swindle
拐る: kataru: abduct, kidnap, swindle
Kanji words: 誘拐

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 9
translation: run away, escape, evade, flee
逃げる: nigeru: run away [off], flee, take to flight, escape, break [get] loose, fly away, shirk, back out of
逃れる: nogareru: escape, get off [away], flee, make one's escape, take refuge in, avoid, evade, be freed from, be exempted from, get rid [clear] of
逃がす: nigasu: let go, set free, fail to catch, let escape, let slip
逃す: nogasu
逃げろ: nigero: Every man for himself!
逃げ失せる: nigeuseru: run away, disappear <<<
逃げ遅れる: nigeokureru: fail to escape [get off], be left behind <<<
逃げ帰る: nigekaeru: run [fly] back <<<
逃げ込む: nigekomu: run into, take refuge [shelter] <<<
逃げ出す: nigedasu: run away (from), flee, take to one's heels <<<
逃げ延びる: nigenobiru: escape safely, make good one's escape, run away (from, to) <<<
逃げ惑う: nigemadou: run this way or that for a way of escape, run about trying to escape <<<
逃げ回る: nigemawaru <<<
逃げるが勝ち: nigerugakachi: Discretion is the better part of valor <<<
Kanji words: 逃走 , 逃亡 , 食逃げ
Expressions: 驚いて逃げる , 難を逃れる , 取り逃がす , 機会を逃す , 責任を逃れる , 無事に逃れる , 危機を逃れる , 逃げ口上 , 逃げ口上を言う , 潮時を逃がす , チャンスを逃す
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 9
translation: threaten, menace, intimidate
威し: takeshi: strong, brave <<<
威す: odosu: threaten, menace (v.), intimidate, terrify
威し: odoshi: threat, menace (n.), intimidation, bluff
Kanji words: 権威 , 威信 , 威力 , 脅威 , 威厳 , 猛威

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 9
translation: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil
虐げる: shiitageru: tyrannize, injure
虐う: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil <<< ,
Kanji words: 虐殺 , 虐待

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 9
translation: steal, rob
窃む: nusumu: steal, rob <<<
窃か: hisoka: secret <<<
Kanji words: 窃盗

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 10
translation: catch, pick up, seize
捕らえる: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕る: toru: take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab <<<
捕まえる: tsukamaeru: catch, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕まる: tsukamaru: be seized, be caught, be apprehended, be arrested, fall into a person's hands [clutches], take hold of, grasp
Kanji words: 捕縛 , 逮捕 , 捕鯨 , 鼠捕り , 拿捕 , 捕手
Expressions: 魚を捕まえる , 腕を捕える , 確り捕まる , 機会を捕らえる , 犯人を捕らえる , 好機を捕える

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