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Direct access: 貸付 , 拒絶 , 金庫 , 金利 , 銀行 , 口座 , 小切手 , 送金 , 地銀 , 貯金


pronunciation: kashitsuke
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 貸し付
keyword: bank
translation: loan (n.), loaning
貸付ける: kashitsukeru: lend (v.), loan, advance, make an advance
貸付係: kashitsukegakari: loan teller <<<
貸付金: kashitsukekin: loan, advance <<<
貸付枠: kashitsukewaku: credit limit <<<
貸付限度: kashitsukegendo <<< 限度
貸付残高: kashitsukezandaka: debit balance <<< 残高
無償貸付: mushoukashitsuke: free loan <<< 無償
短期貸付: tankikashitsuke: short-term loan <<< 短期
長期貸付: choukikashitsuke: long-term loan <<< 長期
related words: ローン


pronunciation: kyozetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , bank
translation: refusal, rejection
拒絶する: kyozetsusuru: refuse, reject, decline, repudiate
拒絶反応: kyozetsuhannnou: rejection symptom, immunological reaction <<< 反応
拒絶証書: kyozetsushousho: bill protest <<< 証書
断固として拒絶する: dankotoshitekyozetsusuru: give (a person) a flat refusal <<< 断固
synonyms: 拒否


pronunciation: kinko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: safe, strongbox, vault
金庫破り: kinkoyaburi: safebreaking, safebreaker <<<
金庫を破る: kinkooyaburu: break a safe
金庫を閉める: kinkooshimeru: lock a safe <<<
金庫に仕舞う: kinkonishimau: store in a vault <<< 仕舞
金庫室: kinkoshitsu: strong room <<<


pronunciation: kinri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: rate of interest
金利を上げる: kinrioageru: raise the rate of interest <<<
金利を下げる: kinriosageru: lower the rate of interest <<<
金利が高い: kinrigatakai: The interest rate is high <<<
金利が安い: kinrigayasui: The interest rate is low <<<
金利を生む: kinrioumu: yield interest <<<
金利格差: kinrikakusa: interest differential <<< 格差
金利水準: kinrisuijun: interest rate level <<< 水準
金利生活: kinriseikatsu: living off interest <<< 生活
金利生活者: kinriseikatsusha: rentier <<<
金利で生活する: kinrideseikatsusuru: live off the interest <<< 生活
金利コスト: kinrikosuto: interest cost <<< コスト
実効金利: jikkoukinri: effective interest rate <<< 実効
固定金利: koteikinri: fixed interest rate <<< 固定
related words: 利子 , 利息


pronunciation: ginkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: bank
銀行家: ginkouka: banker <<<
銀行員: ginkouin: bank clerk [employee] <<<
銀行業: ginkougyou: banking <<<
銀行券: ginkouken: bank note [bill] <<<
銀行株: ginkoukabu: bank stocks <<<
銀行通帳: ginkoutsuuchou: bankbook <<< 通帳
銀行取引: ginkoutorihiki: bank transaction <<< 取引
銀行手形: ginkoutegata: bank draft <<< 手形
銀行小切手: ginkoukogitte: bank check <<< 小切手
銀行口座: ginkoukouza: bank account <<< 口座
銀行貯金: ginkouchokin: bank deposit <<< 貯金
銀行振込: ginkouhurikomi: (pay by) bank transfer, pay into a person's bank account <<< 振込
銀行利子: ginkourishi: bank interest <<< 利子
銀行頭取: ginkoutoudori: general manager of a bank <<< 頭取
銀行強盗: ginkougoutou: bank robbery <<< 強盗
影の銀行: kagenoginkou: shadow bank <<<
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 貯蓄
血液銀行: ketsuekiginkou: blood bank <<< 血液
国立銀行: kokuritsuginkou: national bank <<< 国立
開発銀行: kaihatsuginkou: development bank <<< 開発
相互銀行: sougoginkou: mutual (financing) bank <<< 相互
取引銀行: torihikiginkou: one's bank, correspondent bank <<< 取引
組合銀行: kumiaiginkou: associated bank <<< 組合
中央銀行: chuuouginkou: central bank <<< 中央
信用銀行: shinnyouginkou: credit bank <<< 信用
三菱銀行: mitsubishiginkou: Mitsubishi Bank <<< 三菱
世界銀行: sekaiginkou: World Bank <<< 世界
特殊銀行: tokushuginkou: chartered [special] bank <<< 特殊


pronunciation: kouza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: (bank) account
口座を開く: kouzaohiraku: open an account <<<
口座番号: kouzabangou: account number <<< 番号
預金口座: yokinkouza: deposit account <<< 預金
振替口座: hurikaekouza: giro account <<< 振替
銀行口座: ginkoukouza: bank account <<< 銀行
普通口座: hutsuukouza: current [check] account <<< 普通
新規口座: shinkikouza: new account <<< 新規
信託口座: shintakukouza: escrow [trust] account <<< 信託


pronunciation: kogitte
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: bank
translation: check, cheque
小切手を書く: kogitteokaku: draw [issue] a check <<<
小切手で払う: kogittedeharau: pay by check <<<
小切手帳: kogittechou: check book <<<
小切手取引: kogittetorihiki: check transactions <<< 取引
小切手振出: kogittehuridashi: check drawing <<< 振出
小切手振出人: kogittehuridashinin: drawer of a check <<<
送金小切手: soukinkogitte: remittance check <<< 送金
銀行小切手: ginkoukogitte: bank check <<< 銀行
旅行小切手: ryokoukogitte: traveler's check <<< 旅行
不渡小切手: huwatarikogitte: dishonored [bad] check <<< 不渡
related words: 切手 , 手形


pronunciation: soukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: remittance
送金する: soukinsuru: remit [send] money (to)
送金者: soukinsha: remitter <<<
送金人: soukinnnin <<<
送金手形: soukintegata: remittance draft [bill] <<< 手形
送金小切手: soukinkogitte: remittance check <<< 小切手
送金受取人: soukinnuketorinin: remittee
為替を送金する: kawaseosoukinsuru: remit money order <<< 為替
related words: 為替


pronunciation: chigin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: regional bank


pronunciation: chokin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings, deposit (n.), nestegg
貯金する: chokinsuru: save, deposit (v.)
貯金を預ける: chokinnoazukeru: deposit one's savings <<<
貯金箱: chokinbako: money box, piggy bank <<<
貯金局: chokinkyoku: Savings Bureau <<<
貯金者: chokinsha: depositor <<<
貯金を引出す: chokinnohikidasu: draw one's savings <<< 引出
貯金を下す: chokunnoorosu <<<
貯金通帳: chokintsuuchou: savings [deposit] passbook <<< 通帳
銀行貯金: ginkouchokin: bank deposit <<< 銀行
通知貯金: tsuuchichokin: deposit at call notice <<< 通知
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 郵便
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 外貨
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 定期
箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 箪笥
普通貯金: hutsuuchokin: current [check] account <<< 普通
信託貯金: shintakuchokin: trust deposit <<< 信託
related words: 貯蓄 , 預金

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