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Direct access: 朝飯 , 味気 , 味見 , 甘口 , 甘味 , 塩梅 , 一品 , 飲食 , 旨味 , 塩分


pronunciation: asameshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: breakfast
朝飯を食べる: asameshiotaberu: have breakfast <<<
朝飯を済ます: asameshiosumasu: finish one's breakfast <<<
朝飯の時に: asameshinotokini: at breakfast <<<
朝飯前: asameshimae: easy as a child's play <<<
synonyms: 朝食


pronunciation: ajike
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: taste, flavor
味気無い: ajikenai: weary, dreary, dull, wretched, lonely, monotonous <<<
味気無さ: ajikenasa: dullness, monotony
味気無く暮らす: ajikenakukurasu: lead a lonely life <<<
味気無い生活を送る: ajikenaiseikatsuookuru


pronunciation: ajimi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: tasting, taste (n.)
味見する: ajimisuru: take a taste (of), taste (v.)


pronunciation: amakuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: light [mild, sweet] taste, fine words
甘口の: amakuchino: light, mild, sweet
甘口に乗せられる: amakuchininoserareru: be deceived by honeyed words <<<
甘口ワイン: amakuchiwain: light wine <<< ワイン
甘口ソース: amakuchisoosu: sweet sauce <<< ソース
antonyms: 辛口


pronunciation: amami, kanmi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: sweet flavor [taste], sweetness
甘味の有る: amaminoaru: sweet (a.) <<<
甘味が有る: amamigaaru: have a sweet flavor
甘味が出る: amamigaderu: become sweet <<<
甘味を付ける: amamiotsukeru: sweeten <<<
甘味品: kanmihin: sweets <<<
甘味料: kanmiryou: sweetening, sweetener <<<


pronunciation: anbai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: seasoning, taste, condition, state, way, manner
塩梅する: anbaisuru: arrange, adjust
良い塩梅に: yoianbaini, iianbaini: fortunately, luckily <<<


pronunciation: ippin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: an article, a dish
一品料理: ippinryouri: one dish meal, dishes à la carte <<< 料理 , アラカルト
天下一品の: tenkaippinnno: unique, unequaled, unparalleled, peerless <<< 天下


pronunciation: inshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , drink
translation: eating and drinking, meals and drinks, refreshing
飲食する: inshokusuru: eat and drink, refresh oneself
飲食店: inshokuten: restaurant <<<
飲食物: inshokubutsu: food and drink <<<
飲食代: inshokudai: cost of meals and drinks <<<
飲食税: inshokuzei: tax on eating and drinking (suppressed in 2000 in Japan) <<<


pronunciation: umami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: taste, flavor, relish
旨味の有る: umaminoaru: tasty, palatable, refined, profitable <<<
旨味の無い: umaminonai: unsavory, flat, dry, unprofitable <<<
related words: 美味


pronunciation: enbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: salinity, salt content
塩分の多い: enbunnnoooi: contain much salt, be salty <<<

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