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Direct access: 治安 , 地位 , 地域 , 知恵 , 遅延 , 地下 , 知覚 , 地殻 , 近頃 , 痴漢


pronunciation: chian
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , politics
translation: security, peace, law order
治安を乱す: chiannomidasu: disturb public peace <<<
治安妨害: chianbougai: disturbance of public peace <<< 妨害
治安維持: chianniji: maintenance of public peace <<< 維持
治安活動: chiankatsudou: police action <<< 活動
治安対策: chiantaisaku: security policy <<< 対策
治安警察: chiankeisatsu: security police <<< 警察
synonyms: 公安


pronunciation: chii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: post, position, level, status
地位が高い: chiigatakai: be high in position <<<
地位が低い: chiigahikui: be low in position <<<
地位の有る: chiinoaru: of (high) position (rank) <<<
地位を失う: chiioushinau: lose one's position <<<
地位を得る: chiioeru: gain (get, acquire) a position <<<
地位を争う: chiioarasou: try (compete) for a position <<<
重要地位: juuyouchii: important position <<< 重要
related words: ポスト


pronunciation: chiiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: region, area, zone, district
地域的: chiikiteki: local, regional <<<
地域差: chiikisa: regional difference <<<
地域社会: chiikishakai: local community <<< 社会
地域手当: chiikiteate: area allowance <<< 手当
作戦地域: sakusenchiiki: field of operations <<< 作戦
占領地域: senryouchiiki: occupied territory [area] <<< 占領
防御地域: bougyochiiki: section of defense <<< 防御
浸水地域: shisuichiiki: flooded [inundated, submerged] districts [area] <<< 浸水
受信障害地域: jushinshougaichiiki: poor reception area <<< 受信
隷属地域: reizokuchiiki: dependency <<< 隷属
部族地域: buzokuchiiki: tribal area <<< 部族
ドル地域: doruchiiki: dollar area <<< ドル
ポンド地域: pondochiiki: sterling area <<< ポンド
related words: 地方


pronunciation: chie
kanji characters: ,
translation: wisdom, wit, intelligence
知恵の有る: chienoaru: wise, witty, intelligent <<<
知恵の無い: chienonai: silly, stupid, unwise, brainless, soft-headed <<<
知恵を貸す: chieokasu: give council [advice, suggestion] <<<
知恵を借りる: chieokariru: take advice from, consult <<<
知恵を出す: chieodasu: show wisdom <<<
知恵を絞る: chieoshiboru: beat one's brains <<<
知恵が付く: chiegatsuku: grow wise [intelligent], get wisdom <<<
知恵比べ: chiekurabe: contest of wits <<<
知恵の輪: chienowa: puzzle-ring <<<
知恵者: chiemono: man of resources, sage <<< , 策士
知恵歯: chieba: wisdom tooth, third molar <<<
入れ知恵: ireJie: hint, borrowed wisdom <<<
入れ知恵する: ireJiesuru: suggest an idea (to a person), drop [give] (a person) a hint, instigate
後知恵: atoJie: afterthought <<<


pronunciation: chien
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: delay (n.)
遅延する: chiensuru: delay (v.), be delayed [tardy]


pronunciation: chika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: underground (n.)
地下の: chikano: subterranean, underground (a.)
地下に潜る: chikanimoguru: go underground <<<
地下に埋める: chikaniumeru: bury underground <<<
地下道: chikadou: subway, underpass <<<
地下水: chikasui: subterranean [underground] water <<<
地下鉄: chikatetsu: subway, metro, underground, tube <<<
地下室: chikashitsu: basement, underground (room) <<<
地下街: chikagai: underground center <<<
地下茎: chikakei: subterranean stem <<<
地下資源: chikashigen: underground resources <<< 資源
地下活動: chikakatsudou: secret activity <<< 活動
地下組織: chikasoshiki: secret organization <<< 組織
related words: 地中 , 地底


pronunciation: chikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: perception, consciousness
知覚する: chikakusuru: perceive, be conscious of
知覚し難い: chikakushigatai: imperceptible <<<
知覚を失う: chikakuoushinau: lose consciousness <<<
知覚神経: chikakushinkei: sensory nerves <<< 神経


pronunciation: chikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geology
translation: earth's crust
地殻運動: chikakuundou: crustal movement <<< 運動
地殻変動: chikakuhendou <<< 変動


pronunciation: chikagoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: recently, lately, of late
近頃の: chikagorono: recent, present-day, modern
近頃迄: chikagoromade: till recent times, until lately [recently] <<<
synonyms: 最近


pronunciation: chikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: molester, groper, masher

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