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Direct access: 注釈 , 抽出 , 抽象 , 昼食 , 中心 , 中耳 , 中旬 , 中将 , 注水 , 中枢


pronunciation: chuushaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: explanatory notes, comment, commentary, annotation
注釈する: chuushakusuru: annotate, comment (upon), make notes (upon)
注釈付の: chuushakutsukino: annotated, with notes <<<
注釈者: chuushakusha: annotator, commentator <<<
related words: 注解


pronunciation: chuushutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: extraction, sampling
抽出する: chuushutsusuru: draw, abstract, extract
抽出物: chuushutsubutsu: an extract, an extraction <<<
抽出器: chuushutsuki: extractor <<<
抽出検査: chuushutsukensa: spot-check <<< 検査
標本抽出: hyouhonchuushutsu: random sampling <<< 標本


pronunciation: chuushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , grammar
translation: abstraction
抽象的: chuushouteki: abstract (a.) <<<
抽象的に: chuushoutekini: in the abstract
抽象的概念: chuushoutekigainen: abstract concept <<< 概念
抽象化する: chuushoukasuru: abstract (v.) <<<
抽象派: chuushouha: abstractionism <<<
抽象論: chuushouron: abstract argument <<<
抽象画: chuushouga: abstract painting <<<
抽象芸術: chuushougeijutsu: abstract art <<< 芸術
抽象名詞: chuushoumeishi: abstract noun <<< 名詞
related words: 具体


pronunciation: chuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: lunch, luncheon, midday meal
昼食を取る: chuushokuotoru: have [take] lunch <<<
昼食会: chuushokukai: luncheon <<<
昼食時: chuushokuji: lunchtime <<<
昼食時間: chuushokujikan <<< 時間
手軽な昼食: tegarunachuushoku: light lunch <<< 手軽
synonyms: 昼飯 , ランチ
related words: 朝食 , 夕食


pronunciation: chuushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , mathematics
translation: center (n.), middle, core, heart, focus, nucleus
中心の: chuushinnno: central
中心的: chuushinteki <<<
中心を取る: chuushinnotoru: keep one's balance <<<
中心を失う: chuushinnoushinau: lose one's balance <<<
中心に置く: chuushinnnioku: center (v.) <<<
中心地: chuushinchi: center, capital, metropolis <<<
中心軸: chuushinjiku: central axis <<<
中心点: chuushinten: focal, central point, node, pivot <<<
中心部: chuushinbu: central part, core, centrum, centrosphere <<<
中心人物: chuushinjinbutsu: central figure, leader, kingpin <<< 人物
自己中心: jikochuushin: egoist <<< 自己
レンズの中心: renzunochuushin: optical center <<< レンズ
synonyms: 中央
related words: 中間 , 中枢


pronunciation: chuuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: middle ear, tympanum
中耳炎: chuujien: otitis media, tympanitis <<<
related words: 内耳


pronunciation: chuujun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: ten days at middle of a month
related words: 上旬 , 下旬


pronunciation: chuujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: lieutenant general
related words: 大将 , 少将


pronunciation: chuusui
kanji characters: ,
translation: water injection, watering
注水する: chuusuisuru: inject water (into), water


pronunciation: chuusuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: center, pivot, nerve
中枢神経: chuusuushinkei: nervous center <<< 神経
感覚中枢: kankakuchuusuu: sense center, sensorium <<< 感覚
言語中枢: gengochuusuu: speech center <<< 言語
related words: 中心 , 枢軸

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