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Direct access: 徴収 , 調書 , 長所 , 嘲笑 , 朝食 , 聴診 , 長針 , 丁子 , 弔辞 , 長者


pronunciation: choushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , business
translation: collection, levy (n.)
徴収する: choushuusuru: collect, levy (v.)
徴収料: choushuuryou: collection fee <<<
徴収額: choushuugaku: collected amount <<<
会費を徴収する: kaihiochoushuusuru: collect dues <<< 会費
源泉徴収: gensenchoushuu: collection of taxes at the source <<< 源泉


pronunciation: chousho
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: law
translation: protocol, record
調書を取る: choushootoru: put (a deposition) on record <<<
調書を作る: choushootsukuru <<<
尋問調書: jinmonchousho: interrogatory (protocol) <<< 尋問


pronunciation: chousho
kanji characters: ,
translation: strong [good] point, merit, one's forte, advantage
長所短所: choushotansho: merits and demerits, strong and weak points <<< 短所
antonyms: 短所


pronunciation: choushou
kanji characters: ,
translation: derision, sneer, ridicule (n.), scornful laugh, sardonic smile
嘲笑する: choushousuru: laugh at, ridicule (v.), deride, bring (a person) into ridicule
嘲笑的: choushouteki: mocking, derisive, scornful <<<
嘲笑の的: choushounomato: laughingstock
嘲笑の的に成る: choushuunomatoninaru: be a laughingstock (of), find oneself amid the jeers and laughter of everyone


pronunciation: choushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: breakfast
朝食を取る: choushokuotoru: have breakfast, take breakfast <<<
ティファニーで朝食を: tifaniidechoushokuo: Breakfast at Tiffany's (novel of Truman Capote, 1958) <<< ティファニー
synonyms: 朝飯
related words: 昼食 , 夕食


pronunciation: choushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: auscultation
聴診する: choushinsuru: osculate
聴診器: choushinki: stethoscope <<<


pronunciation: choushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: long [minute] hand (of clock)
related words: 短針


pronunciation: chouji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: condiment
translation: clove tree
丁子の芽: choujinome: clove <<<


pronunciation: chouji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: funeral address, condolatory speech, message of condolence
弔辞を述べる: choujionoberu: give a funeral address, make a condolatory speech, send a message of condolence, express one's sincere condolences <<<
synonyms: 御悔み
related words: 葬式


pronunciation: chouja
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: wealthy person, millionaire, billionaire
長者番付: choujabanZuke: list of millionaires
百万長者: hyakumanchouja: millionaire <<< 百万
related words: 金持 , 富豪

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