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Direct access: 長寿 , 長女 , 頂上 , 調整 , 調節 , 挑戦 , 朝鮮 , 彫像 , 頂戴 , 町長


pronunciation: chouju
kanji characters: , 寿
keyword: life , health
translation: longevity, long life
長寿を保つ: choujuotamotsu: live long, enjoy longevity <<<
長寿法: choujuhou: secret of longevity, macrobiotics <<<
related words: 長生き


pronunciation: choujo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: the eldest [oldest] daughter [sister]
related words: 次女 , 長男


pronunciation: choujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , nature
translation: top, summit, the highest peak, zenith, apex
頂上を征服する: choujouoseihukusuru: gain [win, get to] the summit <<< 征服
頂上を極める: choujouokiwameru <<<
頂上会議: choujoukaigi: summit conference <<< 会議
related words: 頂点 , サミット


pronunciation: chousei
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: technology
translation: adjustment, regulation, alignment, control, coordination
調整する: chouseisuru: adjust, regulate, align, control (v.), coordinate
調整器: chouseiki: moderator, adjuster <<<
調整室: chouseishitsu: control room <<<
調整者: chouseisha: coordinator <<<
物価調整: bukkachousei: price control <<< 物価
年末調整: nenmatsuchousei: year-end adjustment <<< 年末
related words: 調節 , コントロール


pronunciation: chousetsu
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: technology
translation: regulation, adjustment, alignment
調節する: chousetsusuru: regulate, adjust, align
温度を調節する: ondoochousetsusuru: regulate [adjust] the temperature <<< 温度
自動調節: jidouchousetsu: self-adjustment <<< 自動
related words: 調整


pronunciation: chousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: challenge (n.), defiance, provocation
挑戦する: chousensuru: challenge (v.), defy, dare
挑戦に応じる: chousennnioujiru: accept [take] a challenge, take up the glove <<<
挑戦的: chousenteki: provocative, defiant <<<
挑戦者: chousensha: challenger <<< , チャレンジャー
related words: 挑発 , チャレンジ


pronunciation: chousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: asia
translation: Korea
朝鮮の: chousennno: Korean (a.)
朝鮮語: chousengo: Korean (language) <<<
朝鮮人: chousenjin: Korean (people) <<<
朝鮮薊: chousennazami: artichoke <<< , アーティチョーク
朝鮮人参: chousennninjin: ginseng <<< 人参
朝鮮朝顔: chousennasagao: datura <<< 朝顔
朝鮮戦争: chousensensou: Korean War <<< 戦争
朝鮮海峡: chousenkaikyou: Korean Strait <<< 海峡
朝鮮料理: chousenryouri: Korean dishes <<< 料理
北朝鮮: kitachousen: North Korea <<<
南朝鮮: minamichousen: South Korea <<< , 韓国


pronunciation: chouzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: carved statue, sculpture, torso
大理石の彫像: dairisekinochouzou: marble statue <<< 大理石


pronunciation: choudai
kanji characters: ,
translation: reception (of a gift), receipt, Give me!
頂戴する: choudaisuru: receive, accept, be given, be presented with, get
頂戴物: choudaimono: present (for receiver), gift <<< , 贈物
related words: 受取


pronunciation: chouchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: town headman, mayor (of a small town)
related words: 市長

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