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Direct access: 張力 , 鳥類 , 長老 , 調和 , 貯金 , 勅使 , 直接 , 直線 , 直腸 , 直通


pronunciation: chouryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , technology
translation: tension
張力の: chouryokuno: tensile
張力計: chouryokukei: tensiometer <<<
張力試験: chouryokushiken: tension test <<< 試験
最大張力: saidaichouryoku: maximum tension <<< 最大
表面張力: hyoumenchouryoku: surface tension <<< 表面
界面張力: kaimenchouryoku: interfacial tension <<< 界面


pronunciation: chourui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: birds, fowls
鳥類学: chouruigaku: ornithology <<<
鳥類学者: chouruigakusha: ornithologist <<< 学者
related words:


pronunciation: chourou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: elder (person), superior, senior member, senior statesman, presbyter
長老教会: chouroukyoukai: Presbyterian Church <<< 教会
related words: シニア


pronunciation: chouwa
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: art , music
translation: harmony, agreement, concord, balance
調和した: chouwashita: harmonious
調和の取れた: chouwanotoreta <<<
調和しない: chouwashinai: inharmonious, discordant
調和する: chouwasuru: harmonize (vi.), match
調和させる: chouwasaseru: harmonize (vt.)
調和関数: chouwakansuu: harmonic function <<< 関数
調和数列: chouwasuuretsu: harmonic progression
related words: ハーモニー


pronunciation: chokin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings, deposit (n.), nestegg
貯金する: chokinsuru: save, deposit (v.)
貯金を預ける: chokinnoazukeru: deposit one's savings <<<
貯金箱: chokinbako: money box, piggy bank <<<
貯金局: chokinkyoku: Savings Bureau <<<
貯金者: chokinsha: depositor <<<
貯金を引出す: chokinnohikidasu: draw one's savings <<< 引出
貯金を下す: chokunnoorosu <<<
貯金通帳: chokintsuuchou: savings [deposit] passbook <<< 通帳
通知貯金: tsuuchichokin: deposit at call notice <<< 通知
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 郵便
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 外貨
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 定期
箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 箪笥
普通貯金: hutsuuchokin: current [check] account <<< 普通
信託貯金: shintakuchokin: trust deposit <<< 信託
銀行貯金: ginkouchokin: bank deposit <<< 銀行
related words: 貯蓄 , 預金


pronunciation: chokushi
kanji characters: , 使
keyword: history
translation: imperial envoy


pronunciation: chokusetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , grammar
translation: direct (n.)
直接の: chokusetsuno: direct (a.)
直接的: chokusetsuteki <<<
直接に: chokusetsuni: directly
直接税: chokusetsuzei: direct tax <<<
直接交渉: chokusetsukoushou: direct negotiation <<< 交渉
直接談判: chokusetsudanpan
直接照明: chokusetsushoumei: direct lighting <<< 照明
直接行動: chokusetsukoudou: direct action <<< 行動
直接選挙: chokusetsusenkyo: direct election <<< 選挙
直接証拠: chokusetsushouko: direct proof <<< 証拠
直接補語: chokusetsuhogo: direct object
直接話法: chokusetsuwahou: direct speech
antonyms: 間接


pronunciation: chokusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , transport
translation: straight line
直線の: chokusennno: straight
直線美: chokusenbi: lineal beauty <<<
直線距離: chokusenkyori: as the crow flies, in the line of the crow <<< 距離
直線コース: chokusenkoosu: straight course <<< コース
related words: 曲線


pronunciation: chokuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: rectum
直腸炎: chokuchouen: rectitis <<<
直腸癌: chokuchougan: cancer of rectum <<<


pronunciation: chokutsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: direct (n.)
直通の: chokutsuuno: direct (a.)
直通する: chokutsuusuru: communicate directly
直通電話: chokutsuudenwa: direct phone [line] <<< 電話
直通列車: chokutsuuressha: nonstop train <<< 列車

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