Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
Direct access: 知見 , 遅刻 , 致死 , 知識 , 地質 , 千島 , 知事 , 痴女 , 地上 , 知人


pronunciation: chiken
kanji characters: ,
translation: knowledge
related words: 知識 , 見識


pronunciation: chikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: lateness, tardiness, delay
遅刻する: chikokusuru: be behind time, be late (for), be tardy (at), come late (to)
遅刻者: chikokusha: late comer <<<
遅刻届: chikokutodoke: report for being late, late report <<<


pronunciation: chishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: fatality
致死の: chishino: fatal, mortal, lethal
致死量: chishiryou: fatal [lethal] dose <<<
業務上過失致死: gyoumujoukashitsuchishi: corporate manslaughter <<< 業務
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter <<< 過失


pronunciation: chishiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , science
translation: knowledge, information
知識が有る: chishikigaaru: have some knowledge of <<<
知識が無い: chishikiganai: be without any knowledge of <<<
知識が増す: chishikigamasu: advance in knowledge <<<
知識を得る: chishikioeru: acquire (gain, obtain) knowledge <<<
知識を深める: chishikiohukameru: enrich one's knowledge <<<
知識を広める: chishikiohiromeru: extend one's knowledge <<<
知識人: chishikijin: intellectual, highbrow <<<
知識欲: chishikiyoku: intellectual desire, thirst for knowledge <<<
知識階級: chishikikaikyuu: educated class, intelligentsia, intellectuals, highbrows <<< 階級
基礎知識: kisochishiki: elementary knowledge, grounding <<< 基礎
科学知識: kagakuchishiki: scientific knowledge <<< 科学
予備知識: yobichishiki: preliminary knowledge <<< 予備
専門知識: senmonchishiki: expertise <<< 専門


pronunciation: chishitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geology
translation: nature of the soil, geology
地質の: chishitsuno: geological
地質上の: chishitsujouno <<<
地質図: chishitsuzu: geological map <<<
地質学: chishitsugaku: geology <<<
地質学者: chishitsugakusha: geologist <<< 学者
地質調査: chishitsuchousa: geological survey <<< 調査


pronunciation: chishima
kanji characters: ,
keyword: asia
translation: Kuril, Kurile
千島列島: chishimarettou: Kuril Chain, Kuril Islands <<< 列島
related words:


pronunciation: chiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: (prefectural) governor
知事職: chijishoku: governorship <<<
県知事: kenchiji: prefectural governor <<<
副知事: hukuchiji: vice-governor <<<
州知事: shuuchiji: state governor, provincial governor <<<


pronunciation: chijo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: nymphomaniac (f.), nympho


pronunciation: chijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , war
translation: ground, earth, land
地上の: chijouno: earthy, terrestrial
地上波: chijouha: terrestrial wave <<<
地上権: chijouken: surface rights <<<
地上部隊: chijoubutai: ground unit <<< 部隊
地上砲火: chijouhouka: ground fire <<< 砲火
related words: 地下


pronunciation: chijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: acquaintance
related words: 馴染

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