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Direct access: 直面 , 直訳 , 直流 , 勅令 , 著作 , 著者 , 貯水 , 貯蔵 , 貯蓄 , 直角


pronunciation: chokumen
kanji characters: ,
translation: face to face
直面する: chokumensuru: face (v.), confront, be confronted [faced] with [by], envisage
死に直面する: shinichokumensuru: look death in the face <<<
related words: 対峙


pronunciation: chokuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: literal [verbatim, word-for-word] translation
直訳する: chokuyakusuru: translate literally [word for word]
related words: 翻訳


pronunciation: chokuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: direct current
直流発電機: chokuryuuhatsudenki: direct-current dynamo
直流電動機: chokuryuudendouki: direct-current motor
直流モーター: chokuryuumootaa <<< モーター
related words: 交流


pronunciation: chokurei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , history
translation: imperial ordinance, edict
ナントの勅令: nantonochokurei: Edict of Nantes <<< ナント


pronunciation: chosaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: writing, authorship, work
著作する: chosakusuru: write a book
著作集: chosakushuu: writings, anthology <<<
著作者: chosakusha: author, writer <<< , 著者
著作家: chosakuka <<<
著作権: chosakuken: copyright <<<
著作権所有: chosakukenshoyuu: copyright reserved, copyrighted <<< 所有
著作に従事する: chosakunijuujisuru: be engaged in literary work <<< 従事
著作で生活する: chosakudeseikatsusuru: live by the one's pen <<< 生活


pronunciation: chosha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: writer, author
著者の: choshano: authorial
著者不明: choshahumei: unknown authorship <<< 不明
related words: 作家


pronunciation: chosui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: water storage
貯水池: chosuichi: storing reservoir <<<
貯水量: chosuiryou: pondage <<<
貯水槽: chosuisou: water tank <<< , タンク


pronunciation: chozou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: preservation, storing, storage
貯蔵する: chozousuru: preserve, store (up), lay up
貯蔵庫: chozouko: storehouse, storeroom <<< , 倉庫
貯蔵室: chozoushitsu <<<
貯蔵品: chozouhin: stores, stocks <<<
貯蔵瓶: chozoubin: bottling jar, preserving jar <<< , 瓶詰
貯蔵野菜: chozouyasai: preserved vegetable <<< 野菜
貯蔵果物: chozoukudamono: preserved fruit <<< 果物
貯蔵タンク: chozoutanku: storage tank <<< タンク
related words: ストック


pronunciation: chochiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings
貯蓄する: chochikusuru: save, store up, lay up
貯蓄心: chochikushin: thrift <<<
貯蓄心の有る: chochikushinnnoaru: thrifty, provident <<<
貯蓄心の無い: chochikushinnnonai: unthrifty, improvident <<<
貯蓄家: chochikuka: saver <<<
貯蓄運動: chochikuundou: savings campaign <<< 運動
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 銀行
貯蓄債権: chochikusaiken: savings bond <<< 債権
related words: 貯金


pronunciation: chokkaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: right angle
直角の: chokkakuno: right-angled, rectangular, square
直角に交わる: chokkakunimajiwaru: fall [meet] at right angle <<<
直角三角形: chokkakusankakkei: right-angled triangle
related words: 垂直

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