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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
Direct access: 塵取 , 縮緬 , 治療 , 鎮圧 , 鎮火 , 賃金 , 鎮痙剤 , 鎮魂 , 陳情 , 賃貸


pronunciation: chiritori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: dustpan


pronunciation: chirimen
kanji characters:
keyword: fabric
translation: crepe, crape
縮緬紙: chirimenshi: crepe paper <<<
縮緬皺: chirimenjiwa: fine wrinkles <<<
related words: クレープ


pronunciation: chiryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: cure (n.), remedy (n.), medical treatment, therapy
治療する: chiryousuru: cure (v.), remedy (v.), treat
治療を受ける: chiryououkeru: undergo [receive] medical treatment <<<
治療中: chiryouchuu: be under medical treatment <<<
治療室: chiryoushitsu: care unit <<<
治療所: chiryousho: sanatorium <<<
治療代: chiryoudai: doctor's fee <<<
治療薬: chiryouyaku: curative <<<
治療法: chiryouhou: treatment method <<<
治療学: chiryougaku: therapeutics <<<
催眠治療: saiminchiryou: hypnotherapy <<< 催眠
入院治療: nyuuinchiryou: hospital treatment <<< 入院
免疫治療: mennekichiryou: immunotherapy <<< 免疫
集中治療: shuuchuuchiryou: intensive care <<< 集中
内科治療: naikachiryou: internal treatment <<< 内科


pronunciation: chinnatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: repression, suppression
鎮圧する: chinnatsusuru: repress, suppress, subdue, put [bear] down


pronunciation: chinka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: fire extinction
鎮火する: chinkasuru: be put out, be extinguished [subdued, arrested], be got [brought] under (control)
related words: 消火


pronunciation: chingin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: wages, pay
賃金を上げる: chinginnoageru: raise wages <<<
賃金を得る: chinginnoeru: get [earn] wages <<<
賃金を貰う: chinginnomorau <<<
賃金引上げ: chinginhikiage: wage increase
賃金引下げ: chinginhikisage: wage decrease
賃金カット: chinginkatto <<< カット
賃金を支払う: chinginnoshiharau: pay a person <<< 支払
賃金を払う: chinginnoharau <<<
賃金指数: chinginshisuu: wage index <<< 指数
賃金水準: chinginsuijun: wage level <<< 水準
賃金格差: chinginkakusa: wage differentials <<< 格差
賃金闘争: chingintousou: wage struggle <<< 闘争
賃金ベース: chinginbeesu: wage standard <<< ベース
差別賃金: sabetsuchingin: differential wages <<< 差別
基準賃金: kijunchingin: standard wages <<< 基準
最低賃金: saiteichingin: the minimum wages <<< 最低
時間賃金: jikanchingin: time wages <<< 時間
実質賃金: jisshitsuchingin: real income [wages] <<< 実質
名目賃金: meimokuchingin: nominal wages <<< 名目
synonyms: 給料
related words: 報酬


pronunciation: chinkeizai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: spasmolytic, antispasmodic
related words: 痙攣


pronunciation: chinkon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: spirit pacification, appeasing souls
鎮魂曲: chinkonkyoku: requiem <<<
鎮魂祭: chinkonsai: remembrance ceremony, requiem mass <<<


pronunciation: chinjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: petition, appeal (n.), lobbying
陳情する: chinjousuru: appeal (v.), lobby (v.)
陳情を受ける: chinjououkeru: receive a petition <<<
陳情人: chinjounin: petitioner, suppliant, supplicant <<<
陳情者: chinjousha <<<
陳情書: chinjousho: (written) petition <<<
陳情団: chinjoudan: lobby, group of lobbyists <<<


pronunciation: chintai, chingashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: hire, lease, renting
賃貸で: chintaide: on lease
賃貸する: chintaisuru: hire out, let out (a thing) on hire, lease [rent] out, put out (land) to lease
賃貸借: chintaishaku: lease, let and hiring <<<
賃貸借契約: chintaishakukeiyaku: lease [hiring] contract [agreement] <<< 契約
賃貸契約: chintaikeiyaku
賃貸人: chintainin: lessor <<<
賃貸料: chintairyou: rent, rental fee <<<
賃貸価格: chintaikakaku: land value <<< 価格
賃貸住宅: chintaijuutaku: house to rent, rented house <<< 住宅
賃貸マンション: chintaimanshon: rental apartment <<< マンション
related words: リース

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