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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24
Direct access: 窒素 , 秩序 , 地底 , 知的 , 地点 , 千歳 , 千鳥 , 知能 , 千葉 , 千尋


pronunciation: chisso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: nitrogen
窒素の: chissono: nitrogenous
窒素を含んだ: chissoohukunda <<<
窒素肥料: chissohiryou: nitrogenous fertilizer <<< 肥料
窒素固定: chissokotei: nitrogen fixation <<< 固定
石灰窒素: sekkaichisso: nitrolime, calcium cyanamide, crude calcium cyanamide <<< 石灰
液体窒素: ekitaichisso: liquid nitrogen <<< 液体


pronunciation: chitsujo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: order, discipline
秩序の有る: chitsujonoaru: well-ordered, orderly, organized <<<
秩序の無い: chitsujononai: disorderly, disorganized, confused <<<
秩序を乱す: chitsujoomidasu: disturb the (social) order <<<
秩序正しく: chitsujotadashiku: in good order <<<
無秩序: muchitsujo: disorder, chaos <<<


pronunciation: chitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: underworld, underground
地底探検: chiteitanken: A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Jules Verne's science fiction, 1864) <<< 探検
related words: 地中 , 地下


pronunciation: chiteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: intellectual, mental
知的生活: chitekiseikatsu: intellectual life <<< 生活
知的労働: chitekiroudousha: brain work <<< 労働
知的労働者: chitekiroudousha: brain worker <<<
知的財産権: chitekizaisanken: intellectual property


pronunciation: chiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: terrestrial point, spot
分岐地点: bunkichiten: turning point, junction, watershed <<< 分岐
観測地点: kansokuchiten: observation point <<< 観測
出発地点: shuppatsuchiten: starting point <<< 出発


pronunciation: chitose
kanji characters: ,
translation: thousand years
千歳飴: chitoseame: thousand year candy (for the fest of Shichi-Go-San) <<<
新千歳空港: shinchitosekuukou: New Chitose Airport
related words: 七五三


pronunciation: chidori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: plover
千鳥足: chidoriashi: stagger (n.), zigzagging <<<
千鳥足の: chidoriashino: zigzagging (a.)
千鳥足で歩く: chidoriashidearuku: (go) zigzag, totter, reel along <<<
蟹千鳥: kanichidori: crab-plover <<<


pronunciation: chinou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , crime
translation: mental faculties, intelligence
知能犯: chinouhan: intellectual crime <<<
知能指数: chinoushisuu: intelligence quotient, IQ <<< 指数
知能検査: chinoukensa: intelligence test, IQ test <<< 検査
知能テスト: chinoutesuto <<< テスト
人工知能: jinkouchinou: artificial intelligence <<< 人工


pronunciation: chiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Chiba (prefecture, city)
千葉県: chibaken: Prefecture of Chiba <<<
千葉市: chibashi: City of Chiba <<<
related words:


pronunciation: chihiro
kanji characters: ,
translation: great length, great depth
千尋の: chihirono: very long, very deep

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