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Direct access: 中継 , 中元 , 中古 , 忠告 , 中国 , 中佐 , 駐在 , 中止 , 駐車 , 注射


pronunciation: chuukei, nakatsugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , business
translation: relay (n.), translation, hookup
中継する: chuukeisuru: relay (v.), translate, broadcast
中継器: chuukeiki: repeater, translator <<<
中継局: chuukeikyoku: relay station <<<
中継線: chuukeisen: junction line <<<
中継港: chuukeikou: transit port <<<
中継貿易: chuukeiboueki: intermediate (transit) trade <<< 貿易
中継放送: chuukeihousou: relay broadcasting <<< 放送
生中継: namachuukei: live coverage <<<
全国中継: zenkokuchuukei: nationwide hookup <<< 全国
衛星中継: eiseichuukei: satellite transmission <<< 衛星
テレビ中継: terebichuukei: tv coverage <<< テレビ


pronunciation: chuugen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: midyear [bon] present [gift]
御中元: ochuugen <<<
related words: 御盆


pronunciation: chuuko, chuuburu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , history
translation: used article, second hand, Middle Ages
中古の: chuukono: secondhand, medieval
中古品: chuukohin: used article, second hand <<<
中古車: chuukosha: secondhand car <<<
中古史: chuukoshi: medieval history <<<
中古パソコン: chuukopasokon: used computer <<< パソコン
related words: 新品 , 中世


pronunciation: chuukoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: admonition, advice, counsel, warning
忠告する: chuukokusuru: admonish
忠告に従う: chuukokunishitagau: act on a person's advice, follow [accept] a person's advice <<<
忠告を入れる: chuukokuoireru <<<
忠告に背く: chuukokunisomuku: act against a person's advice <<<
忠告を与える: chuukokuoataeru: give an advice <<<
忠告者: chuukokusha: admonitor, adviser, counselor, mentor <<< , カウンセラー
related words: 勧告 , 助言 , アドバイス


pronunciation: chuugoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: china
translation: China, midland
中国の: chuugokuno: Chinese (a.)
中国人: chuugokujin: Chinese (people) <<<
中国語: chuugokugo: Chinese (language) <<<
中国籍: chuugokuseki: Chinese nationality <<<
中国製: chuugokusei: made in China <<<
中国地方: chuugouchihou: western part of Honshu island <<< 地方
synonyms: 中華 , 支那


pronunciation: chuusa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: lieutenant colonel, commander
related words: 大佐 , 少佐


pronunciation: chuuzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: residence
駐在する: chuuzaisuru: reside (in), be stationed
駐在の: chuuzaino: residing [resident] (in a country)
駐在所: chuuzaisho: police substation <<<
synonyms: 滞在


pronunciation: chuushi
kanji characters: ,
translation: discontinuance, stop (n.)
中止する: chuushisuru: discontinue, stop (v.)
ストを中止する: sutoochuushisuru: call off a strike <<< スト


pronunciation: chuusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: parking (car)
駐車する: chuushasuru: park (v.)
駐車場: chuushajou: (car) parking <<<
駐車禁止: chuushakinshi: parking forbidden, no parking <<< 禁止
駐車地帯: chuushachitai: parking (area) <<< 地帯
二重駐車: nijuuchuusha: double-parking <<< 二重
路上駐車: rojouchuusha: on-street parking <<< 路上
related words: パーキング


pronunciation: chuusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: injection, shot (n.)
注射する: chuushasuru: inject, shot (v.)
注射器: chuushaki: squirt, syringe <<<
注射針: chuushabari: needle <<<
注射液: chuushaeki: injection (liquid) <<<
点滴注射: tentekichuusha: drip infusion <<< 点滴
脊髄注射: sekizuichuusha: spinal injection <<< 脊髄
筋肉注射: kinnnikuchuusha: intramuscular injection <<< 筋肉
静脈注射: joumyakuchuusha: intravenous injection <<< 静脈
予防注射: yobouchuusha: preventive injection <<< 予防
カンフル注射: kanhuruchuusha: camphor injection <<< カンフル
ワクチン注射: wakuchinchuusha: vaccination, vaccine injection <<< ワクチン
ワクチン注射をする: wakuchinchuushaosuru: vaccinate (a person against) <<< ワクチン
ペニシリン注射: penishirinchuusha: penicillin shot <<< ペニシリン
コレラ予防注射: korerayoboushuusha: anti-cholera injection <<< コレラ

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