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Direct access: 二十 , 肌着 , 肌触 , 裸足 , 肌身 , 八月 , 破竹 , 八十 , 蜂鳥 , 鉢巻


pronunciation: hatachi, nijuu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 20
keyword: calendar , number
translation: twenty years old, twenty
二十歳: hatachi: twenty years old (n.) <<<
二十の: hatachino: twenty years old (a.)
二十歳の: hatachino
二十前の: hatachimaeno: in one's teens <<<
二十代の: hatachidaino, nijuudaino: in one's twenties <<<
二十番: nijuuban: the twentieth <<<
第二十: dainijuu <<<
二十日: hatsuka, nijuunichi: the twentieth day (of month) <<<
二十日鼠: hatsukanezumi: mouse <<<
二十日大根: hatsukadaikon: radish <<< 大根 , ラディシュ
二十三: nijuusan: twenty-three <<<


pronunciation: hadagi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: underwear, underclothes, undershirt
related words:


pronunciation: hadazawari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: touch, feeling
肌触が良い: hadazawarigaii: be agreeable to the touch, feel smooth <<<
肌触が柔らかい: hadazawarigayawarakai: feel soft, have a soft feel <<<
肌触が悪い: hadazawarigawarui: be disagreeable to the touch, feel rough <<<
肌触が固い: hadazawarigakatai <<<


pronunciation: hadashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 跣足, 跣
translation: bare feet
裸足の: hadashino: barefoot (a.), barefooted
裸足で: hadashide: barefoot (adv.), with bare feet
裸足で歩く: hadashidearuku: go barefoot, walk with bare feet <<<
synonyms: 素足


pronunciation: hadami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: naked body
肌身離さず: hadamihanasazu: always with one <<<


pronunciation: hachigatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 8月
keyword: calendar
translation: August


pronunciation: hachiku
kanji characters: ,
translation: cut-off of a bamboo (by hatchet)
破竹の勢いで: hachikunoikioide: with irresistible force <<<


pronunciation: hachijuu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 80
keyword: number
translation: eighty
八十代: hachijuudai: one's eighties <<<
八十分の一: hachijuubunnnoichi: one eightieth
八十八: hachijuuhachi: eighty-eight <<<
八十八夜: hachijuuhachiya: eighty-eighth day from the early spring when the tea picking begins (around 2th May) <<<
八十番: hachijuuban: the eightieth <<<
第八十: daihachijuu <<<


pronunciation: hachidori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ハチドリ
keyword: bird
translation: hummingbird


pronunciation: hachimaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: headband
鉢巻をする: hachimakiosuru: tie a band around one's head

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