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Direct access: 排出 , 配信 , 背信 , 排除 , 廃人 , 排水 , 排泄 , 配線 , 敗戦 , 配膳


pronunciation: haishutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: discharge (n.), eject, exhaust, emission
排出する: haishutsusuru: discharge (v.), eject, exhaust, emit
排出権: haishutsuken: emission rights <<<
排出権取引: haishutsukentorihiki: emissions trading <<< 取引
排出量: haishutsuryou: emission quantity <<<
排出器: haishutsuki: ejector <<<
排出装置: haishutsusouchi <<< 装置
related words: 排気


pronunciation: haishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , computer
translation: distribution (of message), delivery, broadcasting
配信する: haishinsuru: distribute (a message), deliver, broadcast
ネット配信: nettohaishin: internet broadcasting <<< ネット
related words: 配達


pronunciation: haishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: breach of faith [trust, confidence], betrayal, perfidiousness
背信の: haishinnno: unfaithful, treacherous, perfidious
背信的: haishinteki <<<
related words: 裏切


pronunciation: haijo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , medicine
translation: exclusion, removal, elimination, clearance
排除する: haijosuru: exclude, remove, eliminate, clear
集中排除: shuuchuuhaijo: decentralization <<< 集中


pronunciation: haijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: crippled [disabled] person, invalid
廃人同様に成る: haijindouyouninaru: become as good as the living dead
related words: 病人


pronunciation: haisui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , town
translation: drainage, draining
排水する: haisuisuru: drain, pump out the water, bail
排水が良い: haisuigaii: drain well <<<
排水が悪い: haisuigawarui: do not drain well <<<
排水管: haisuikan: drainpipe <<<
排水口: haisuikou: an overflow, drain hole, scupper <<<
排水孔: haisuikou <<<
排水溝: haisuikou: drainage ditch <<<
排水量: haisuiryou: displacement (tonnage) <<<
排水工事: haisuikouji: drainage works <<< 工事
排水ポンプ: haisuiponpu: drainage [drain] pump <<< ポンプ
農業排水: nougyouhaisui: agricultural water waste <<< 農業
related words: 下水


pronunciation: haisetsu
kanji characters:
keyword: hygiene
translation: excretion, discharge (n.)
排泄する: haisetsusuru: excrete, discharge (v.)
排泄物: haisetsubutsu: discharges, excretions, excrements <<< , 大便 , 汚物
排泄器: haisetsuki: excretory organ <<<
排泄器官: haisetsukikan <<< 器官
排泄作用: haisetsusayou: excretory process <<< 作用


pronunciation: haisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity , house , construction
translation: wiring
配線する: haisensuru: wire (v.)
配線図: haisenzu: wiring plan <<<
プリント配線: purintohaisen: printed circuit <<< プリント


pronunciation: haisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: defeat (n.)
敗戦する: haisensuru: defeat (v.)
敗戦国: haisenkoku: defeated country, defeated nation <<<
敗戦投手: haisentoushu: losing pitcher <<< 投手
敗戦主義: haisenshugi: defeatism <<< 主義


pronunciation: haizen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: table arrangement
配膳する: haizensuru: spread the table (for dinner)
配膳室: haizenshitsu: service room <<<
配膳台: haizendai: kitchen table <<<

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