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Direct access: 春雨 , 春巻 , 春休 , 破裂 , 晴々 , 腫物 , 範囲 , 反映 , 繁栄 , 半円


pronunciation: harusame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food , weather
translation: spring rain, transparent noodles made from potato starch (like spring rain)


pronunciation: harumaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: spring roll, nem
生春巻: namaharumaki: (Vietnamese) spring roll <<<


pronunciation: haruyasumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , calendar
translation: spring vacation
related words: 夏休 , 冬休


pronunciation: haretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: explosion, eruption, rupture
破裂する: haretsusuru: explode, burst up, blow up, broken off, end in [come to] a rupture
破裂音: haretsuon: plosive, explosive <<<
血管破裂: kekkanharetsu: blood vessel burst <<< 血管
related words: 爆発


pronunciation: harebare
kanji characters:
other spells: 晴れ晴れ
keyword: weather
translation: clearness, cheerfulness
晴々した: harebareshita: clear, fine, lighthearted, cheerful
気が晴々する: kigaharebaresuru: feel cheerful [refreshed] <<<


pronunciation: haremono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: swelling, tumor
腫物に触る様に: haremononisawaruyouni: with utmost care, most cautiously


pronunciation: hanni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: range, scope, reach, extent, limit, domain, sphere
範囲が狭い: hannigasemai: be of a narrow range, be limited <<<
範囲が広い: hannigahiroi: be of a wide range, be extensive <<<
範囲を限る: hanniokagiru: set limits to <<<
範囲内に: hanninaini: within the limits (scope) of <<<
範囲外に: hannigaini: beyond the limits (scope) of <<<
広範囲: kouhanni: extensive (widespread) area (domain) <<<
作用範囲: sayouhanni: working realm <<< 作用
応用範囲: ouyouhanni: application field <<< 応用
勢力範囲: seiryokuhanni: one's sphere of influence <<< 勢力
活動範囲: katsudouhanni: scope of activity <<< 活動
交際範囲: kousaihanni: circle of acquaintance <<< 交際
移動範囲: idouhanni: margin of displacement <<< 移動


pronunciation: hannei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: reflection, mirror (of the times)
反映する: hanneisuru: reflect, be reflected (in)


pronunciation: hannei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: prosperity
繁栄の: hanneino: prosperous, flourishing, thriving
繁栄する: hanneisuru: be prosperous, prosper, flourish, thrive
synonyms: 繁盛
antonyms: 没落


pronunciation: hannen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: semicircle, half circle
半円形: hannenkei <<<
半円形の: hannenkeino: semicircular, half-round
半円を描く: hannennoegaku: make a half circle <<<

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