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Direct access: 半角 , 版画 , 半額 , 半期 , 反響 , 反逆 , 半径 , 判決 , 版権 , 判子


pronunciation: hankaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: one byte Japanese characters and ASCII
半角文字: hankakumoji <<< 文字
related words: 全角


pronunciation: hanga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: woodprint, etching
版画を彫る: hangaohoru: engrave <<<
版画師: hangashi: engraver <<<
木版画: mokuhanga: woodprint <<<
銅版画: douhanga: etching <<<


pronunciation: hangaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: half price, half rate
半額で: hangakude: at half price, at half the usual price (charge)
半額に下げる: hangakunisageru: cut the price by half, make a fifty percent discount <<<
半額セール: hangakuseeru: half pricing sale <<< セール


pronunciation: hanki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: a half year [term]
半期の: hankino: half-yearly, semiannual
半期毎の: hankigotono <<<
半期決算: hankikessan: half-yearly closing account <<< 決算
半期配当: hankihaitou: semiannual dividend <<< 配当
上半期: kamihanki: first half of the year <<< , 上期
下半期: shimohanki: latter half of the year <<< , 下期
四半期: yonhanki: quarter <<<


pronunciation: hankyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: audio , media
translation: echo (n.), response, influence, reverberation
反響する: hankyousuru: echo (v.), resound, affect, reverberate
反響が有る: hankyougaaru: be echoed, be reflected (on), find an echo (in) <<<
反響を呼ぶ: hankyouoyobu <<<
related words: 共鳴


pronunciation: hangyaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 叛逆
keyword: war , politics
translation: treason, rebellion, insurrection, revolt
反逆する: hangyakusuru: rebel [revolt] (against)
反逆を企てる: hangyakuokuwadateru: plot against (a person) <<<
反逆的: hangyakuteki: treasonous, rebellious <<<
反逆罪: hangyakuzai: treason <<<
反逆者: hangyakusha: traitor, rebel <<<
反逆の精神: hangyakunoseishin: spirit of revolt <<< 精神
related words: 裏切


pronunciation: hankei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: radius
半径の: hankeino: radial
行動半径: koudouhankei: action radius <<< 行動
related words: 直径


pronunciation: hanketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: (judicial) decision, judgment, sentence
判決する: hanketsusuru: decide [give a decision, pass judgment] (on a case)
判決を下す: hanketsuokudasu <<<
判決に服する: hanketsunihukusuru: accept the decision <<<
判決を覆す: hanketsuokutsugaesu: reverse a decision <<<
判決文: hanketsubun: text of a decision <<<
判決例: hanketsurei: judicial precedent <<<
判決理由: hanketsuriyuu: reasons for the judgment <<< 理由
無罪判決: muzaihanketsu: verdict of not guilty <<< 無罪
確定判決: kakuteihanketsu: irrevocable judgment <<< 確定
related words: 裁判


pronunciation: hanken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: copyright (n.)
版権を得る: hankennoeru: copyright (v.), secure the copyright (for a book) <<<
版権所有: hankenshoyuu: All rights reserved, Copyrighted <<< 所有
版権所有者: hankenshoyuusha: copyright holder <<<


pronunciation: hanko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: stamp, seal

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