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Direct access: 反省 , 反戦 , 帆船 , 反則 , 半袖 , 反対 , 半田 , 判断 , 半月 , 判定


pronunciation: hansei
kanji characters: ,
translation: reflection, introspection, review (n.)
反省する: hanseisuru: reflect on, introspect, review (v.)
反省を求める: hanseiomotomeru: ask to reconsider <<<
反省会: hanseikai: meeting for reviewing <<<


pronunciation: hansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: antiwar
反戦論: hansenron: pacifism <<<
反戦論者: hansenronsha: pacifist <<<
反戦主義: hansenshugi: pacifism <<< 主義
反戦運動: hansennundou: pacifist movement <<< 運動
反戦デモ: hansendemo: antiwar demonstration <<< デモ


pronunciation: hansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: sailing vessel [ship], sailboat
related words: ヨット


pronunciation: hansoku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 犯則
keyword: law , sport
translation: foul, violation of the law
反則する: hansokusuru: play foul, act against the rules, commit a foul
反則を犯す: hansokuookasu <<<
反則者: hansokusha: offender, transgressor <<<
反則負け: hansokumake: disqualification <<<
反則負けする: hansokumakesuru: be disqualified, lose a game on a foul
反則切符: hansokukippu: traffic [parking] ticket <<< 切符
related words: ファウル


pronunciation: hansode
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: short sleeve
半袖の: hansodeno: short-sleeved, with short sleeve
半袖のシャツ: hansodenoshatsu: (white) shirt with short sleeve <<< シャツ
related words: 長袖


pronunciation: hantai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opposite, reverse, against
反対する: hantaisuru: oppose, be against, dissent
反対の: hantaino: opposite to, hostile to, antagonistic, contrary to, averse to
反対に: hantaini: in the opposite direction, the other way, conversely, on the contrary
反対に会う: hantainiau: meet with opposition <<<
反対側: hantaigawa: opposite side <<<
反対者: hantaisha: opponent, objector, dissenter <<<
反対党: hantaitou: opposition party <<<
反対語: hantaigo: antonym <<<
反対運動: hantaiundou: opposition movement <<< 運動
反対意見: hantaiiken: opposite opinion <<< 意見
反対尋問: hantaijinmon: cross-examination <<< 尋問
反対勢力: hantaiseiryoku: counterinfluence <<< 勢力
反対動議: hantaidougi: counter motion, cross-motion <<< 動議
反対投票: hantaitouhyou: negative vote <<< 投票
antonyms: 賛成


pronunciation: handa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: solder (n.)
半田付け: handaZuke: soldering <<<
半田付けする: handaZukesuru: solder (v.)
半田鏝: handagote: soldering iron <<<
related words: 溶接


pronunciation: handan
kanji characters: ,
translation: judgment, conclusion, appreciation
判断する: handansuru: judge, conclude, appreciate
判断を下す: handannokudasu: pass a judgment <<<
判断を誤る: handannoayamaru: misjudge, error in judgment <<<
判断力: handanryoku: power (strength) of judgment <<<
身の上判断: minouehandan: fortunetelling <<< 身の上
姓名判断: seimeihandan: onomancy <<< 姓名
価値判断: kachihandan: value judgment, evaluation <<< 価値
情況判断: joukyouhandan: circumstantial analysis <<< 情況
related words: 判定


pronunciation: hantsuki, hangetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , astronomy
translation: half a month, half-moon
半月毎の: hantsukigotono: semimonthly <<<
半月形の: hangetsukeino: semicircular, crescent <<<
半月状の: hangetsujouno <<<
related words: 満月 , 三日月


pronunciation: hantei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: judgment, decision, verdict
判定する: hanteisuru: judge, decide
判定を下す: hanteiokudasu <<<
判定で勝つ: hanteidekatsu: win on (by) a decision <<<
判定勝: hanteigachi: decision (in a match)
写真判定: shashinhantei: photo-finish <<< 写真
related words: 判断

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