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Direct access: 引換 , 引金 , 引篭 , 引算 , 引潮 , 引出 , 挽肉 , 飛脚 , 卑怯 , 卑屈


pronunciation: hikikae
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き換, 引替, 引き替
keyword: business
translation: exchange
と引換に: tohikikaeni: in exchange for
引換券: hikikaeken: coupon <<< , クーポン
代金引換: daikinhikikae: COD, cash on delivery, collect on delivery <<< 代金
synonyms: 交換


pronunciation: hikigane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き金
keyword: weapon
translation: trigger
引金を引く: hikiganeohiku: pull the trigger <<<


pronunciation: hikikomori
kanji characters:
other spells: 引き篭, 引籠り
keyword: society
translation: indoor stay, social retreat [isolation]
引篭る: hikikomoru: stay indoors, shut oneself in, be laid up, keep to one's bed
related words: ニート


pronunciation: hikizan
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き算
keyword: mathematics
translation: substraction
引算をする: hikizannosuru: substract
related words: 足算 , 掛算 , 割算


pronunciation: hikishio
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き潮
keyword: sea
translation: ebbing [low] tide
引潮になる: hikishioninaru: The tide ebbs [is one the ebb]
related words: , 満潮 , 干潮


pronunciation: hikidashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: drawer, withdrawal (of money)
引出す: hikidasu: draw [pull, bring] out, drag out, elicit
引出を抜く: hikidashionuku: pull out the drawer <<<
箪笥の引出し: tansunohikidashi: drawer <<< 箪笥
貯金を引出す: chokinnohikidasu: draw one's savings <<< 貯金


pronunciation: hikiniku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 挽き肉
keyword: meat
translation: minced meat
挽肉器: hikinikuki: meat chopper [grinder] <<<


pronunciation: hikyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: courier (in Edo period)
飛脚を立てる: hikyakuotateru: dispatch an express letter <<<
冥途の飛脚: meidonohikyaku: The Courier for Hell (a love-suicide play written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 1711) <<< 冥途


pronunciation: hikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: cowardice
卑怯な: hikyouna: cowardly, sneaking
卑怯な振舞をする: hikyounahurumaiosuru: act cowardly [the coward], play (a person) foul, hit below the belt
卑怯な事をする: hikyounakotoosuru <<<
卑怯者: hikyoumono: coward (n.), sneak <<<


pronunciation: hikutsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: servility
卑屈な: hikutsuna: mean, servile, base, sneaking, obsequious

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