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Direct access: 配送 , 排他 , 配達 , 配置 , 配点 , 配電 , 配当 , 配備 , 配布 , 敗北


pronunciation: haisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: delivery, distribution
配送する: haisousuru: deliver, distribute
related words: 配達


pronunciation: haita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: exclusive rights
排他的: haitateki: exclusive <<<
排他主義: haitashugi: exclusionism, exclusivism <<< 主義


pronunciation: haitatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: delivery, distribution
配達する: haitatsusuru: deliver, distribute
配達違い: haitatsuchigai: wrong delivery <<<
配達済み: haitatsuzumi: already delivered <<<
配達人: haitatsunin: carrier, delivery man <<<
配達係: haitatsugakari <<<
配達先: haitatsusaki: destination, receiver <<<
配達料: haitatsuryou: delivery fee <<<
配達料金: haitatsuryoukin <<< 料金
配達時: haitatsuji: delivery time [moment] <<<
配達日: haitatsubi: delivery date <<<
配達車: haitatsusha: delivery truck [van] <<<
配達証明: haitatsushoumei: receipt voucher, certificate of receipt <<< 証明
配達不能: haitatsuhunou: impossible to deliver <<< 不能
配達不能便: haitatsuhunoubin: dead letter <<< 便
牛乳配達: gyuunyuuhaitatsu: milk run <<< 牛乳
電報配達: denpouhaitatsu: telegram delivery, telegram deliverer <<< 電報
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 郵便
市内配達: shinaihaitatsu: city delivery <<< 市内
新聞配達: shinpunhaitatsu: paper round <<< 新聞
related words: 配送 , 配信


pronunciation: haichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: disposition, arrangement, allocation, deployment
配置する: haichisuru: dispose, arrange, allocate, deploy
配置転換: haichitenkan: reshuffle [redistribution] of the personnel <<< 転換
気圧配置: kiatsuhaichi: distribution of atmospheric pressure <<< 気圧
related words: 配備


pronunciation: haiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , sport
translation: allotting of points [marks]
配点する: haitensuru: allot points to


pronunciation: haiden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: supply of electricity [electric power], (electric) power distribution
配電する: haidensuru: supply electricity, distribute (electric) power
配電所: haidensho, haidenjo: power distributing station <<<
配電線: haidensen: service wire <<<
配電盤: haidenban: switchboard <<<
related words: 送電


pronunciation: haitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: allotment, dividend
配当する: haitousuru: allot a share (to persons), pay a dividend
配当付き: haitoutsuki: dividend on, cum dividend <<<
配当落ち: haitouochi: dividend off, ex dividend <<<
配当金: haitoukin: dividend <<<
配当控除: haitoukoujo: deduction for dividends <<< 控除
半期配当: hankihaitou: semiannual dividend <<< 半期
利益配当: riekihaitou: dividend <<< 利益


pronunciation: haibi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: arrangement, disposition, stationing
配備する: haibisuru: arrange, station, post
related words: 配置


pronunciation: haihu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 配付
keyword: advertisement
translation: distribution
配布する: haihusuru: distribute things (among, to)
related words: 配達


pronunciation: haiboku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: defeat (n.)
敗北する: haibokusuru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose
敗北を喫する: haibokuokissuru <<<
敗北者: haibokusha: loser <<<
敗北主義: haibokushugi: defeatism <<< 主義
敗北主義者: haibokushugisha: defeatist <<<
全面敗北: zenmenhaiboku: total defeat, rout <<< 全面
related words:

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