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Direct access: 非情 , 非常 , 翡翠 , 日銭 , 砒素 , 日立 , 肥大 , 火種 , 日溜り , 左利


pronunciation: hijou
kanji characters: ,
translation: cold (hearted), mercilessness, ruthlessness, inhumanity
非情な: hijouna: merciless, pitiless, ruthless, inhuman
非情の: hijouno
related words: 残酷


pronunciation: hijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , politics
translation: emergency
非常な: hijouna: extraordinary, extreme, great, awful
非常に: hijouni: very, very much, greatly, extremely, exceedingly, awfully, unusually
非常口: hijouguchi: emergency exit <<<
非常線: hijousen: police cordon <<<
非常時: hijouji: emergency time, crisis, state of emergency <<<
非常事態: hijoujitai <<< 事態
非常階段: hijoukaidan: fire escape <<< 階段
非常警報: hijoukeihou: alarm bell <<< 警報
非常召集: hijoushoushuu: emergency call
非常手段: hijoushudan: emergency [drastic] measure <<< 手段
related words: 大変


pronunciation: hisui
kanji characters:
other spells: ヒスイ
keyword: accessory
translation: jade, green jadeite
翡翠細工: hisuizaiku: jade (work) <<< 細工
related words: 縞瑪


pronunciation: hizeni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: daily cash income


pronunciation: hiso
kanji characters:
keyword: chemistry
translation: arsenic
砒素中毒: hisochuudoku: arsenic poisoning <<< 中毒


pronunciation: hitachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Hitachi (city, Ltd.)
日立市: hitachishi: city of Hitachi (Ibaraki) <<< , 茨城
日立製作所: hitachiseisakusho: Hitachi Ltd. (multinational engineering company)


pronunciation: hidai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: grossness, fatness, obesity, corpulence, hypertrophy
肥大する: hidaisuru: get fat, enlarge, become corpulent [hypertrophied]
肥大した: hidaishita: fat, enlarged, corpulent, hypertrophied
前立腺肥大: zenritsusenhidai: enlargement of the prostate gland <<< 前立腺
心臓肥大: shinzouhidai: dilatation of the heart <<< 心臓
related words: 肥満


pronunciation: hidane
kanji characters: ,
translation: kindling coal
火種が無い: hidaneganai: have no live coal to make a fire <<<


pronunciation: hidamari
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 陽だまり
keyword: nature
translation: sunny spot [place]


pronunciation: hidarikiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: left-handedness, sinistrality, sinistromanuality, left-hander
左利の: hidarikikino: left-handed
左利の人: hidarikikinohito: left-hander <<<
antonyms: 右利

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