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Direct access: 羊飼 , 筆順 , 必然 , 必要 , 日付 , 否定 , 日照り , 秘伝 , 一足 , 一息


pronunciation: hitsujikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: shepherd (person)
羊飼の女: hitsujikainoonnna: shepherdess <<<
related words: シェパード


pronunciation: hitsujun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: stroke order (of a Chinese character)
related words: 書き順


pronunciation: hitsuzen
kanji characters: ,
translation: necessity, inevitability
必然性: hitsuzensei <<<
必然の: hitsuzenseino: necessary, inevitable
必然的に: hitsuzentekini: necessarily, inevitably, naturally, as a matter of course <<<


pronunciation: hitsuyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: necessity, need, requirement
必要な: hitsuyouna: necessary, required, requisite, indispensable
必要品: hitsuyouhin: indispensable, necessary article, a necessity <<<
必要悪: hitsuyouaku: necessary evil <<<
必要条件: hitsuyoujouken: necessary condition, requirement <<< 条件
必要経費: hitsuyoukeihi: expense account <<< 経費
不必要: huhitsuyou: unnecessary, unrequired, dispensable, needless <<<


pronunciation: hiZuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: date (n.), dating
日付の無い: hiZukenonai: undated, dateless <<<
日付を付ける: hiZukeotsukeru: date (v.) <<<
日付印: hiZukein: date stamp <<<
日付変更線: hiZukehenkousen: (international) date line
文書の日付: bunshonohiZuke: document date <<< 文書


pronunciation: hitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: negation, denial
否定する: hiteisuru: deny, say nay, ding
否定的: hiteiteki: negative <<<
否定文: hiteibun: negative sentence <<<
否定語: hiteigo: negative word <<<
antonyms: 肯定


pronunciation: hideri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: drought, dry weather
日照り続き: hideritsuZuki: long drought, spell of dry weather <<<
related words: 旱魃


pronunciation: hiden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: secret, mysteries, cabala, cabbala
秘伝を授ける: hidennosazukeru: initiate (a person) into the secret <<<
秘伝を伝授する: hidennodenjusuru
秘伝の妙薬: hidennnomyouyaku: nostrum, arcanum


pronunciation: hitoashi, issoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: one step, one pair of shoes
一足で: hitoashide: in one step
一足毎に: hitoashigotoni: step by step, at every step <<<
靴下一足: kutsushitaissoku: a pair of socks <<< 靴下


pronunciation: hitoiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: a breath, a rest, a pause
一息に: hitoikini: at a breath, at a stretch
一息に飲み干す: hitoikininomihosu: empty one's cup at a draft
一息する: hitoikisuru: take breath, take [have] a rest
一息付く: hitoikitsuku <<<
related words: 一気

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