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Direct access: 雛祭 , 避難 , 非難 , 皮肉 , 避妊 , 否認 , 比熱 , 日入 , 日出 , 批判


pronunciation: hinamatsuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest , japan
translation: Hinamatsuri, Girl's day, Doll festival
related words:


pronunciation: hinan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: refuge
避難する: hinansuru: take [find] refuge [shelter], seek shelter [safety], evacuate
避難港: hinankou: harbor of shelter [refuge] <<<
避難所: hinansho, hinanjo: place of refuge, shelter, haven <<<
避難民: hinanmin: refugee, evacuee <<<
避難梯子: hinanbashigo: fire escape <<< 梯子
避難命令: hinanmeirei: evacuation order <<< 命令
避難訓練: hinankunren: evacuation exercise <<< 訓練
緊急避難: kinkyuuhinan: emergency evacuation <<< 緊急


pronunciation: hinan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: accusation, blame (n.), reproach (n.), criticism, denunciation, diatribe
非難する: hinansuru: accuse, blame (v.), reproach (v.), criticize, denounce, pummel
非難すべき: hinansubeki: blamable, blameworthy


pronunciation: hiniku
kanji characters: ,
translation: sarcasm, cynicism, irony, ironical remark, quip (n.)
皮肉な: hinikuna: sarcastic, cynical, ironical
皮肉にも: hinikunimo: ironically
皮肉を言う: hinikuoiu: speak ironically, make a cynical remark, quip (v.) <<<
皮肉屋: hinikuya: cynic (n.), ironical person <<<


pronunciation: hinin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: contraception, birth control
避妊する: hininsuru: prevent conception
避妊法: hininhou: contraceptive measure <<<
避妊剤: hininzai: pill <<<
避妊錠剤: hininjouzai
避妊薬: hininnyaku: contraceptive (n.) <<<
避妊用具: hininnyougu <<< 用具
避妊リング: hininringu: intrauterine device <<< リング


pronunciation: hinin
kanji characters: ,
translation: denial, disapproval, repudiation
否認する: hininsuru: deny, disapprove, disown
否認権: hininken: veto <<<
犯行を否認する: hankouohininsuru: plead not guilty <<< 犯行
related words: 拒否


pronunciation: hinetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics
translation: specific heat


pronunciation: hinoiri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 日の入り
keyword: weather , time
translation: sunset, sundown
日入に: hinoirini: at sunset
日入前に: hinoirimaeni: before sunset <<<
synonyms: 日没
antonyms: 日出


pronunciation: hinode
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 日の出
keyword: weather , time
translation: sunrise, rising sun
日出に: hinodeni: at sunrise
日出前に: hinodemaeni: before sunrise <<<
日出の勢い: hinodenoikioi: in the ascendant, very prosperous <<<
初日出: hatsuhinode: sunrise on New Year's Day <<<
synonyms: 夜明 , 朝日
antonyms: 日入


pronunciation: hihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: criticism, judgment
批判する: hihansuru: criticize, judge (v.), diss
批判的: hihanteki: critical <<<
批判者: hihansha: critic <<<
批判力: hihanryoku: judgment, critical faculty <<<
批判哲学: hihantetsugaku: criticism <<< 哲学
体制批判: taiseihihan: criticism of a system <<< 体制
自己批判: jikohihan: mea culpa, auto-criticism <<< 自己
related words: 批評

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