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Direct access: 俳優 , 排卵 , 配慮 , 蝿叩き , 蝿取り , 羽織 , 破壊 , 墓石 , 墓場 , 葉書


pronunciation: haiyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: movie
translation: actor, player, performer
俳優に成る: haiyuuninaru: become an actor, go on the stage <<<
俳優を辞める: haiyuuoyameru: retire from [come off] the stage <<<
俳優学校: haiyuugakkou: school of acting <<< 学校
悲劇俳優: higekihaiyuu: tragic actor, tragedian <<< 悲劇
新人俳優: shinjinhaiyuu: new star, young actor <<< 新人
性格俳優: seikakuhaiyuu: character actor <<< 性格
主演俳優: shuenhaiyuu: leading actor [actress], star, performer <<< 主演
喜劇俳優: kigekihaiyuu: comic actor <<< 喜劇
映画俳優: eigahaiyuu: movie actor [actress] <<< 映画
人気俳優: ninkihaiyuu: screen idol <<< 人気
synonyms: 役者 , スター
related words: 女優


pronunciation: hairan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: ovulation
排卵抑止剤: hairannyokushizai: anovulant, anovulatory medication, ovulation inhibitor [suppressor]
related words: 産卵


pronunciation: hairyo
kanji characters: ,
translation: care, concern, consideration
配慮する: hairyosuru: take into consideration, consider, take care of
配慮が足りない: hairyogatarinai: lack consideration <<<
related words: 考慮 , 心遣い , 気配り


pronunciation: haetataki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 蝿たたき
keyword: insect
translation: flapper, swat, swatter


pronunciation: haetori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: insect
translation: flycatcher, flytrap


pronunciation: haori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan , clothes
translation: haori, Japanese (kimono) jacket
陣羽織: jinbaori: Japanese tabard <<<
related words:


pronunciation: hakai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: destruction, demolition, demolishing
破壊する: hakaisuru: destroy, demolish, break down
破壊的: hakaiteki: destructive, devastating <<<
破壊力: hakairyoku: destructive power <<<
破壊者: hakaisha: destroyer <<<
破壊工作: hakaikousaku: sabotage, subversive activities <<< 工作
破壊活動: hakaikatsudou <<< 活動
破壊分子: hakaibunshi: subversive element <<< 分子
大量破壊: tairyouhakai: mass destruction <<< 大量
偶像破壊: guuzouhakai: iconoclasm <<< 偶像
森林破壊: shinrinhakai: deforestation <<< 森林
環境破壊: kankyouhakai: environment destruction <<< 環境
オゾン破壊: ozonhakai: ozone depletion <<< オゾン


pronunciation: hakaishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: tombstone, gravestone


pronunciation: hakaba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: graveyard, cemetery, burial ground
墓場泥棒: hakabadorobou: grave robber, tomb raider [robber] <<< 泥棒
揺籠から墓場まで: yurikagokarahakabamade: from the cradle to the grave <<< 揺籠
synonyms: 墓地


pronunciation: hagaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: post card, postal card
葉書を出す: hagakiodasu: send a post-card <<<
絵葉書: ehagaki: picture post-card <<<
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 郵便
往復葉書: ouhukuhagaki: reply postal card <<< 往復
related words: 手紙

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