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Direct access: 表情 , 瓢箪 , 標題 , 標的 , 漂白 , 評判 , 標本 , 表明 , 表面 , 漂流


pronunciation: hyoujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: facial expression, one's look
表情に富んだ: hyoujounitonda: expressive <<<
表情豊かな: hyoujouyutakana <<<
表情の無い: hyoujounonai: expressionless, blank, vacant, wooden <<<
表情に乏しい: hyoujounitoboshii <<<
表情を硬くする: hyoujouokatakusuru: harden one's face <<<
related words: 表現


pronunciation: hyoutan
keyword: utensil
translation: bottle gourd
瓢箪形: hyoutangata: guitar-shaped <<<
瓢箪から駒: hyoutankarakoma: unexpected things will often happen <<<
瓢箪から駒が出る: hyoutankarakomagaderu <<<


pronunciation: hyoudai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 表題
keyword: book , music
translation: title, heading, rubric, caption
synonyms: タイトル


pronunciation: hyouteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: mark, target
標的市場: hyoutekishijou: market target <<< 市場


pronunciation: hyouhaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: color
translation: bleaching
漂白する: hyouhakusuru: bleach (v.)
漂白液: hyouhakueki: bleaching solution <<<
漂白剤: hyouhakuzai: bleach (n.) <<<


pronunciation: hyouban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , media
translation: fame, popularity, notoriety, reputation, report, rumor, cred
評判の: hyoubannno: famous, celebrated, notorious
評判が良い: hyoubangaii: have a good reputation [name], be popular <<<
評判が高い: hyoubangatakai: have great renown <<<
評判が悪い: hyoubangawarui: have a bad reputation [name], be unpopular <<<
評判を落す: hyoubannootosu: lose one's reputation [credit, popularity] <<<
評判を得る: hyoubannoeru: win a reputation, gain popularity <<<
評判する: hyoubansuru: talk about [of], rumor (v.)
評判に成る: hyoubannninaru: be much talked of, create a sensation, be highly spoken of <<<
評判を立てる: hyoubannotateru: start [spread] a rumor <<<


pronunciation: hyouhon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: specimen, sample
標本抽出: hyouhonchuushutsu: random sampling <<< 抽出
植物標本: shokubutsuhyouhon: botanical specimen <<< 植物
synonyms: 見本 , サンプル


pronunciation: hyoumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: manifestation, announcement, declaration, enunciation
表明する: hyoumeisuru: manifest, announce, declare, enunciate


pronunciation: hyoumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: surface, face, appearance
表面に: hyoumennni: on the outside (face, surface)
表面の: hyoumennno: of the surface, superficial
表面的: hyoumenteki <<<
表面的に: hyoumentekini: superficially
表面的には: hyoumentekiniha: outwardly, one the surface, apparently, seemingly, on the face of it
表面上は: hyoumenjouha <<<
表面に現れる: hyoumennniarawareru: come to the surface <<<
表面化する: hyoumenkasuru: come to the front, come up to the surface <<<
表面積: hyoumenseki: surface area <<<
表面張力: hyoumenchouryoku: surface tension <<< 張力


pronunciation: hyouryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea
translation: drifting, driftage
漂流する: hyouryuusuru: drift about (out), be adrift (on the sea)
漂流者: hyouryuusha: castaway <<<
漂流船: hyouryuusen: drifting ship <<<
漂流物: hyouryuubutsu: drift, driftage, flotsam, wreckage <<<
漂流教室: hyouryuukyoushitsu: drifting classroom (a manga of Kazuo Umeki, 1972 – 1974) <<< 教室

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