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Direct access: 評論 , 費用 , 日和 , 避雷針 , 平泳ぎ , 平手 , 平目 , 平屋 , 飛龍 , 肥料


pronunciation: hyouron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature , media
translation: criticism, review
評論する: hyouronsuru: criticize, comment, review
評論の: hyouronnno: critical
評論家: hyouronka: critic, essayist <<<
評論雑誌: hyouronzasshi: review (journal) <<< 雑誌
人物評論: jinbutsuhyouron: personal criticism <<< 人物
synonyms: 批評 , レビュー


pronunciation: hiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: expenditure, expense, cost
費用が掛かる: hiyougakakaru: be expensive [costly] <<<
費用の掛かる: hiyounokakaru: expensive, costly
費用が嵩む: hiyougakasamu: One's expenses run up <<<
費用を惜しまない: hiyouooshimanai: spare no expense <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 負担
訴訟費用: soshouhiyou: costs of an action <<< 訴訟
裁判費用: saibanhiyou: judicial costs <<< 裁判
出張費用: shutchouhiyou: traveling allowance, traveling expenses <<< 出張
余計な費用: yokeinahiyou: extra expenses <<< 余計
related words: 経費


pronunciation: hiyori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , politics
translation: fair weather, situation
日和見: hiyorimi: timeserving <<<
日和見する: hiyorimisuru: consult weather, straddle
日和見主義: hiyorimishugi: opportunism <<< 主義
日和見主義者: hiyorimishugisha: opportunist, fence-sitter, timeserver
行楽日和: kourakubiyori: ideal weather for an outing <<< 行楽


pronunciation: hiraishin
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: weather
translation: lightning rod [conductor]


pronunciation: hiraoyogi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: swimming
translation: breaststroke (n.)
平泳ぎをする: hiraoyogiosuru: breaststroke (v.), do the breaststroke, swim on one's breast
related words: 背泳ぎ , クロール


pronunciation: hirate
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: palm, open hand
平手で打つ: hiratedeutsu: slap (v.), spank, pat <<<
平手を喰わす: hirateokuwasu <<<
平手打ち: hirateuchi: slap (n.) in the face <<<
related words: 拳骨


pronunciation: hirame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fish
translation: flatfish, flounder
大平目: oobirame: halibut <<<
舌平目: shitabirame: sole <<<


pronunciation: hiraya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: one-storied [one-story] house


pronunciation: hiryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: flying dragon, Hiryu (a Japanese aircraft carrier sunk at Midway)


pronunciation: hiryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: fertilizer, manure
肥料を施す: hiryouohodokosu: manure the soil, fertilize <<<
窒素肥料: chissohiryou: nitrogenous fertilizer <<< 窒素
石灰肥料: sekkaihiryou: lime fertilizer <<< 石灰
化学肥料: kagakuhiryou: chemical fertilizer <<< 化学
有機肥料: yuukihiryou: organic fertilizer <<< 有機
混合肥料: kongouhiryou: compost, compound manure <<< 混合
燐酸肥料: rinsanhiryou: phosphatic manure [fertilizer] <<< 燐酸
カリ肥料: karihiryou: potash [potassium] fertilizer <<< カリ

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