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Direct access: 頻度 , 頻繁 , 不安 , 不意 , 封印 , 風雨 , 風格 , 風紀 , 風景 , 封鎖


pronunciation: hindo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: frequency
頻度が高い: hindogatakai: frequent <<<
高頻度: kouhindo: high frequency


pronunciation: hinpan
kanji characters: ,
translation: commonness, abundance
頻繁な: hinpannna: frequent, busy
頻繁に: hinpannni: frequently, very often, in rapid succession, continually
頻繁に起こる: hinpannniokoru: be frequent, frequently occur <<<


pronunciation: huan
kanji characters: ,
translation: uneasiness, anxiety, apprehension, (a sense of) insecurity, trepidation, qualm
不安な: huannna: anxious, insecure, precarious, jittery, fidgety
不安に思う: huannniomou: be uneasy [uncertain] (about), be anxious (about) <<<
不安に成る: huannninaru <<<
不安に駆られる: huannnikarareru: be all [in great] anxiety <<<
不安な面持: huannnaomomochi: uneasy look
通貨不安: tsuukahuan: monetary (currency) uncertainty <<< 通貨
政界の不安: seikainohuan: political unrest <<< 政界
synonyms: 心配


pronunciation: hui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: suddenness, unexpectedness, abruptness
不意の: huino: sudden, unexpected, unlooked-for, abrupt
不意に: huini: suddenly, unexpectedly, without previous notice [warning], all of a sudden
不意に訪れる: huiniotozureru: pay (a person) a surprise visit <<<
不意に訪問する: huinihoumonsuru <<< 訪問
不意打: huiuchi: surprise attack, lurch <<<
不意打を食わす: huiuchiokuwasu: take (a person) by surprise, give (a person) a surprise attack <<<
不意打を食う: huiuchiokuu: be taken by surprise, be caught napping [unawares] <<<
related words:


pronunciation: huuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: seal (n.)
封印する: huuinsuru: seal (v.)
封印を破る: huuinnoyaburu: break a seal, unseal <<<
封印を解く: huuinnotoku <<<


pronunciation: huuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: wind and rain, storm
風雨に耐える: huuunitaeru: weatherproof, all-weather <<<
風雨に曝される: huuunisarasareru: be exposed to the weather <<<
風雨に曝された: huuunisarasareta: weather-beaten
風雨を冒して: huuuookashite: through [in the teeth of] the raging storm <<<
風雨注意報: huuuchuuihou: storm warning
related words:


pronunciation: huukaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: character, appearance, style, originality
風格の有る: huukakunoaru: characteristic, distinctive, original <<<
related words: 人格


pronunciation: huuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: discipline, public morality [morals]
風紀を害する: huukiogaisuru: injure [corrupt] public morals <<<
風紀を乱す: huukiomidasu <<<
風紀を取締る: huukiotorishimaru: enforce discipline <<< 取締
風紀係: huukigakari: public moral squad, censor <<<


pronunciation: huukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , travel
translation: landscape, scenery
風景画: huukeiga: landscape (paint) <<<
風景画家: huukeigaka: landscape painter <<< 画家
風景写真: huukeishashin: landscape picture [photography] <<< 写真
related words: 光景 , 景色


pronunciation: huusa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: blockade (n.), lock-down, bottle-up, seal-off, freezing
封鎖する: huusasuru: blockade (v.), lock down, bottle up, seal off, freeze
封鎖を解く: huusaotoku: lift the blockade, unfreeze <<<
海上封鎖: kaijouhuusa: naval blockade <<< 海上
経済封鎖: keizaihuusa: economic blockade <<< 経済

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