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Direct access: 風刺 , 風車 , 風習 , 風疹 , 風神 , 風人 , 風水 , 風船 , 風速 , 風俗


pronunciation: huushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , politics
translation: satire, lampoon (n.), sarcasm
風刺する: huushisuru: satirize, lampoon (v.)
風刺の: huushino: satiric, satirical, sarcastic
風刺的: huushiteki <<<
風刺家: huushika: critic <<<
風刺詩: huushishi: satire, satirical poem <<<
風刺画: huushiga: cartoon, caricature <<<
風刺漫画: huushimanga <<< 漫画
風刺画家: huushigaka: cartoonist, caricaturist <<< 画家
風刺小説: huushishousetsu: satirical novel <<< 小説


pronunciation: huusha, kazaguruma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: energy
translation: windmill, pinwheel
風車場: huushajou <<<
風車小屋: huushagoya: windmill hut <<< 小屋


pronunciation: huushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: manners and customs, convention, practices
風習を破る: huushuuoyaburu: break a custom <<<
風習に従う: huushuunishitagau: observe a custom <<<
synonyms: 習慣 , 慣習


pronunciation: huushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: rubella, German measles


pronunciation: huujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: god of winds


pronunciation: huujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: poet, lover of nature
synonyms: 詩人


pronunciation: huusui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: feng shui, storm and flood
風水害: huusuigai: storm and flood damage <<<


pronunciation: huusen
kanji characters: ,
translation: balloon
風船玉: huusendama <<<
風船ガム: huusengamu: balloon gum <<< ガム
ゴム風船: gomuhuusen: rubber balloon <<< ゴム


pronunciation: huusoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: wind velocity, wind speed
風速計: huusokukei: anemometer, wind gauge <<<
最大風速: saidaihuusoku: maximum wind speed <<< 最大


pronunciation: huuzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: customs, manners, public morals
風俗を害する: huuzokuogaisuru: corrupt [be injurious to] public morals <<<
風俗画: huuzokuga: genre picture <<<
風俗史: huuzokushi: history of morality <<<
風俗犯: huuzokuhan: moral offence <<<
風俗営業: huuzokueigyou: business affecting public morals <<< 営業
風俗壊乱: huuzokukairan: corruption of public morals
風俗習慣: huuzokushuukan: manners and customs <<< 習慣
風俗小説: huuzokushousetsu: novel of popular manners <<< 小説

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