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Direct access: 不快 , 不吉 , 吹抜 , 吹矢 , 普及 , 不況 , 布教 , 付近 , 布巾 , 不義


pronunciation: hukai
kanji characters: ,
translation: displeasure, discomfort
不快な: hukaina: unpleasant, cheerless, jarring
不快に感じる: hukainikanjiru: feel uncomfortable [hurt], be displeased <<<
不快な思いをする: hukainaomoiosuru <<<
不快な思いをさせる: hukainaomoiosaseru: hurt a person's feelings
不快指数: hukaishisuu: discomfort index <<< 指数


pronunciation: hukitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: bad omen, bird of ill omen
不吉な: hukitsuna: ill-omened, inauspicious, portentous
不吉な前兆: hukitsunazenchou: ill omen
不吉な予感: hukitsunayokan: ominous presentiment <<< 予感


pronunciation: hukinuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: stairwell
related words: 階段


pronunciation: hukiya
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 吹き矢
keyword: weapon
translation: blowgun, blowpipe


pronunciation: hukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: diffusion, propagation, popularization
普及する: hukyuusuru: diffuse, pervade, propagate, spread, popularize, become pervasive
普及版: hukyuuban: popular [cheap] edition <<<
普及率: hukyuuritsu: rate of propagation [popularization] <<<


pronunciation: hukyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: (business) depression, recession, slump
不況の: hukyouno: depressed, dull
不況の時代: hukyounojidai: depression days, hard times <<< 時代
不況対策: hukyoutaisaku: anti-depression policy, anti-recession measures <<< 対策
構造不況: kouzouhukyou: structural crisis <<< 構造


pronunciation: hukyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: mission, propagation, missionary work
布教する: hukyousuru: propagate (a religion), be engaged in missionary work
布教師: hukyoushi: missionary, chaplain <<<


pronunciation: hukin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 附近
keyword: geography
translation: neighborhood, vicinity, proximity
付近の: hukinnno: neighboring
付近に: hukinnni: in the neighborhood
related words: 近所 , 近辺 , 最寄


pronunciation: hukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: napkin, dishcloth, dishtowel
布巾で拭く: hukindehuku: wipe with a dishcloth <<<
布巾掛け: hukinkake: towel rail <<<
皿布巾: sarahukin: dishcloth, dishtowel <<<
濡れ布巾: nurehukin: damp cloth <<<
related words: ナプキン


pronunciation: hugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: immorality, injustice, adultery
不義を働く: hugiohataraku: commit adultery <<<
不義を犯す: hugiookasu <<<
不義の: hugino: immoral, sinful
不義の子: huginoko: child born out of wedlock <<<
synonyms: 密通 , 姦通

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