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Direct access: 腹案 , 福井 , 復縁 , 福岡 , 複合 , 複雑 , 福祉 , 副詞 , 福島 , 複写


pronunciation: hukuan
kanji characters: ,
translation: plan, idea
腹案を立てる: hukuannotateru: draw up a plan, be thinking about doing sth. <<<
腹案無しに話す: hukuannnashinihanasu: speak offhand


pronunciation: hukui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Fukui (prefecture, city)
福井県: hukuiken: Prefecture of Fukui <<<
福井市: hukuishi: City of Fukui <<<
福井原発: hukuigenbatsu: Fukui Nuclear Power Plant <<< 原発
related words:


pronunciation: hukuen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: reinstatement of marriage
復縁する: hukuensuru: be reinstated as a person's wife [husband]
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: hukuoka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Fukuoka
福岡県: hukuokaken: Prefecture of Fukuoka <<<
福岡市: hukuokashi: City of Fukuoka <<<
福岡港: hukuokakou: Fukuoka Harbor <<<
福岡空港: hukuokakuukou: Fukuoka Airport <<< 空港
related words:


pronunciation: hukugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , grammar
translation: compound (n.), composite
複合の: hukugouno: compound (a.), complex
複合する: hukugousuru: compose (v.), compound, combine
複合語: hukugougo: compound word <<<
複合文: hukugoubun: complex [combined] sentence <<<
複合体: hukugoutai: complex <<<
複合物: hukugoubutsu: compound, composite <<<
複合薬: hukugouyaku: combination drug <<<
複合汚染: hukugouosen: combined [compound, multiplied] pollution <<< 汚染
複合企業: hukugoukigyou: conglomerate <<< 企業
複合機関: hukugoukikan: compound engine <<< 機関
複合競技: hukugoukyougi: Nordic [Alpine] combined <<< 競技
複合名詞: hukugoumeishi: compound noun <<< 名詞
複合輸送: hukugouyusou: combined transportation <<< 輸送
複合レンズ: hukugourenzu: compound lens <<< レンズ
ノルディック複合: noruJikkuhukugou: Nordic combination, Nordic combined <<< ノルディック
アルペン複合: arupenhukugou: Alpine combination <<< アルペン


pronunciation: hukuzatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , science
translation: complexity, complication
複雑な: hukuzatsuna: complex, complicated
複雑にする: hukuzatsunisuru: complicate
複雑化する: hukuzatsukasuru <<<
複雑化: hukuzatsuka: complication
複雑に成る: hukuzatsuninaru: become complicated <<<
複雑骨折: hukuzatsukossetsu: compound fracture <<< 骨折
related words: 単純


pronunciation: hukushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: welfare, well-being
福祉国家: hukushikokka: welfare state <<< 国家
福祉事業: hukushijigyou: welfare work <<< 事業
福祉事業所: hukushijigyousho: public welfare office <<<
福祉施設: hukushishisetsu <<< 施設
福祉政策: hukushiseisaku: welfare politics <<< 政策
老人福祉: roujinhukushi: welfare for the aged <<< 老人
児童福祉: jidouhukushi: child welfare <<< 児童
related words: 厚生


pronunciation: hukushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: adverb
副詞の: hukushino: adverbial
副詞的: hukushiteki <<<
副詞文: hukushibun: adverbial clause <<<
疑問副詞: gimonhukushi: interrogative adverb <<< 疑問
関係副詞: kankeihukushi: relative adverb <<< 関係


pronunciation: hukushima
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Fukushima (prefecture, city)
福島県: hukushimaken: Prefecture of Fukushima <<<
福島市: hukushimashi: City of Fukushima <<<
福島空港: hukushimakuukou: Fukushima Airport <<< 空港
福島原発: hukushimagenpatsu: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant <<< 原発
福島第一原発: hukushimadaiichigenpatsu: Fukushima Number One Nuclear Power Plant
福島第一原発一号機: hukushimadaiichigenpatsuichigouki: first reactor of Fukushima Number One Nuclear Power Plant
福島浜通り: hukushimahamadoori: coastal part of Fukushima Prefecture
related words:


pronunciation: hukusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: copy (n.), duplication, reproduction
複写する: hukushasuru: copy (v.), duplicate, reproduce, facsimile
複写機: hukushaki: copier, duplicator, mimeograph <<<
複写器: hukushaki <<<
複写用: hukushayou: for copying <<<
複写用インキ: hukushayouinki: copy ink
複写用紙: hukushayoushi: carbon paper, copy paper <<< 用紙
複写紙: hukushashi <<<
複写物: hukushabutsu: reproduction, reprint <<<
複写写真: hukushashashin: photostat <<< 写真
synonyms: コピー , 模写
related words: 複製

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