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Direct access: 破棄 , 吐気 , 履物 , 波及 , 破局 , 歯軋り , 白亜 , 博愛 , 白衣 , 迫害


pronunciation: haki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: destruction, cancellation, annulment, revocation, abrogation, denunciation
破棄する: hakisuru: destroy, cancel, annul, revoke, abrogate, denounce, breach
related words: 廃棄 , 放棄


pronunciation: hakike
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 吐き気
keyword: disease
translation: nausea, sickness
吐気を催す: hakikeomoyoosu: feel sick, feel like vomiting, sicken, be disgusted (by) <<<
吐気がする: hakikegasuru
吐気を催す様な: hakikeomoyoosuyouna: sickening, disgusting, nasty, horrible <<<
吐気のする様な: hakikenosuruyouna


pronunciation: hakimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: footwear, footgear
履物を履く: hakimonoohaku: put on one's shoes <<<
履物を脱ぐ: hakimonoonugu: take off one's shoes <<<


pronunciation: hakyuu
kanji characters: ,
translation: ripple effect
波及する: hakyuusuru: spread [extend] (to, over), propagate itself (over), influence, infect


pronunciation: hakyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: catastrophe, sad end, collapse
破局的: hakyokuteki: catastrophic <<<


pronunciation: hagishiri
kanji characters:
translation: gnash, gnashing
歯軋りをする: hagishiriosuru: grind [gnash] one's teenth


pronunciation: hakua
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: chalk
白亜質の: hakuashitsuno: chalky <<<
白亜紀: hakuaki: Cretacerous period <<<
白亜館: hakuakan: White House (anc.) <<<
related words: チョーク


pronunciation: hakuai
kanji characters: ,
translation: philanthropy, benevolence
博愛の: hakuaino: philanthropic, benevolent, humane
博愛家: hakuaika: philanthropist <<<
博愛主義: hakuaishugi: philanthropism <<< 主義
synonyms: 人情 , 思い遣


pronunciation: hakui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , clothes
translation: white dress, coat, gown
白衣の: hakuino: in white
白衣の天使: hakuinotenshi: nurse in white <<< 天使


pronunciation: hakugai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: persecution, oppression
迫害する: hakugaisuru: persecute, oppress
迫害を受ける: hakugaioukeru: be persecuted [oppressed], suffer persecution <<<
迫害を被る: hakugaiokoumuru <<<
迫害者: hakugaisha: persecutor, oppressor <<<

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