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Direct access: 不正 , 風情 , 不全 , 不足 , 付属 , 双子 , 不確か , 双葉 , 二股 , 二人


pronunciation: husei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: injustice, iniquity, illegality, unlawfulness, wrong (n.), dishonesty, impropriety
不正な: huseina: unjust, unfair, foul, illegitimate, unlawful, wrong (a.), dishonest, improper
不正な金: huseinakane: ill-gotten money, graft <<<
不正を働く: huseiohataraku: do wrong, do a dishonest thing <<<
不正品: huseihin: fraudulent article <<<
不正業者: huseigyousha: (illegal) trafficker <<< 業者
不正行為: huseikoui: dishonest act, cheating, sleaze <<< 行為 , ペテン , 如何様 , 詐欺
不正事件: huseijiken: bribery case, scandal <<< 事件 , スキャンダル
不正手段: huseishudan: unlawful [dishonest] means <<< 手段
related words: 違法 , 不当 , 不法 , 悪事


pronunciation: huzei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: air, appearance, taste, elegance
風情の有る: huzeinoaru: tasteful, elegant, refined <<< , エレガント
風情の無い: huzeinonai: dull, tasteless, prosaic <<<
synonyms: エレガンス


pronunciation: huzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: insufficiency
腎不全: jinhuzen: renal insufficiency, kidney failure
肝不全: kanhuzen: hepatic insufficiency, liver failure <<<
機能不全: kinouhuzen: dysfunction <<< 機能


pronunciation: husoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: insufficiency, lack (n.), shortage, deficiency, dissatisfaction, discontent, complaint, grievance
不足の: husokuno: insufficient, lacking, short, deficient
不足した: husokushita
不足する: husokusuru: be insufficient, lack (v.), be short of
不足を補う: husokuooginau: make up a deficiency, supply the shortage <<<
不足額: husokugaku: shortage, deficit, difference <<<
不足税: husokuzei: short postage, postage due <<<
不足料: husokuryou <<<
寝不足: nebusoku: want to sleep, insufficient sleep <<<
寝不足で: nebusokude: from want to sleep, owing to insufficient sleep
寝不足の為: nebusokunotame <<<
力不足: chikarabusoku: lack of ability, inadequacy <<<
認識不足: ninshikibusoku: lack of understanding, ignorance <<< 認識
予算不足: yosanbusoku: budget deficit <<< 予算
露出不足: roshutsubusoku: underexposure <<< 露出
電力不足: denryokubusoku: power shortage <<< 電力
運動不足: undoubusoku: lack of exercise <<< 運動
睡眠不足: suiminbusoku: insufficient sleep <<< 睡眠
生産不足: seisanbusoku: underproduction <<< 生産
練習不足: renshuubusoku: lack of exercises <<< 練習
食糧不足: shokuryoubusoku: food shortage <<< 食糧
供給不足: kyoukyuubusoku: short supply, under-supply <<< 供給
現像不足: genzoubusoku: underdevelopment <<< 現像
重量不足: juuryoubusoku: short weight <<< 重量


pronunciation: huzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer
translation: affiliation, attachment
付属の: huzokuno: belonging, attached
付属する: huzokusuru: belong, affiliate, pertain, be attached
付属品: huzokuhin: accessories, fittings <<<
付属物: huzokubutsu: dependency <<<
付属小学校: huzokushougakkou: elementary school attached to
related words: アクセサリー


pronunciation: hutago
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , astronomy
translation: twin
双子座: hutagoza: Gemini <<<
双子の兄弟: hutagonokyoudai: twin brothers <<< 兄弟
双子の姉妹: hutagonoshimai: twin sisters <<< 姉妹
related words: 双生児


pronunciation: hutashika
kanji characters: ,
translation: uncertainty
不確かな: hutashikana: uncertain, indefinite, unreliable
不確かな記憶: hutashikanakioku: hazy memory <<< 記憶
related words: 曖昧


pronunciation: hutaba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: cotyledon, seed leaf
双葉のうちに摘む: hutabanouchinitsumu: nip in the bud <<<


pronunciation: hutamata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: fork, bifurcation
二股の: hutamatano: forked, bifurcated
二股に分かれる: hutamataniwakareru: fork off into two branches, bifurcate (v.) <<<
二股を掛ける: hutamataokakeru: sit on the fence, play double, have two strings on one's bow <<<
二股道: hutamatamichi: cross-road <<<
二股膏薬: hutamatagouyaku: double-dealing, double-dealer, trimmer, fence-sitter
二股ソケット: hutamatasoketto: two way adapter [socket] <<< ソケット
synonyms: 分岐


pronunciation: hutari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: two persons, couple, pair
二人で: hutaride: as a pair, à deux
二人で分ける: hutaridewakeru: divide (things) between two persons <<<
二人の間で: hutarinoaidade: between the two <<<
二人共: hutaritomo: both of them, either [neither] of the two <<<
二人連れ: hutariZure: party of two, married couple <<<
二人連れで: hutariZurede: (go) together [in a couple]
二人乗り: hutarinori: two-seater <<<
二人部屋: hutaribeya: double room, twin room <<< 部屋
related words: 両者

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