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Direct access: 不動 , 不動産 , 船出 , 船便 , 赴任 , 不能 , 腐敗 , 吹雪 , 不平 , 不変


pronunciation: hudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: immovableness, motionlessness
不動の: hudouno: immovable, motionless, steadfast
不動の姿勢: hudounoshisei: position at attention <<< 姿勢
不動の姿勢を取る: hudounoshiseiotoru: stand at attention <<<
不動明王: hudoumyouou: Acala, god of fire
成田不動: naritahudou: Narita [Naritasan] Temple <<< 成田


pronunciation: hudousan
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: realty
translation: immovable property, real estate, realty
不動産の: hudousannno: property (a.)
不動産業: hudousangyou: real estate agency <<<
不動産税: hudousanzei: real estate tax <<<
不動産屋: hudousannya: real estate agent, realtor <<<
不動産業者: hudousangyousha <<< 業者
不動産所得: hudousanshotoku: income from immovables <<< 所得
不動産担保証券: hudousantanposhouken: MBS, mortgage-backed securities <<< 証券
不動産投信: hudousantoushin: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 投信 , リート
不動産投資信託: hudousantoushishintaku <<< 信託


pronunciation: hunade
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: departure of a ship
船出する: hunadesuru: set sail (to, for), leave port, embark
related words: 出港


pronunciation: hunabin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport
translation: shipping service
船便で: hunabinde: by ship [streamer, water, sea]
船便で送る: hunabindeokuru: send by ship, convey by water, forward by sea <<<


pronunciation: hunin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: leave [start] for one's (new) post
赴任する: huninsuru
赴任地: huninchi: place of appointment, one's (new) post <<<
単身で赴任する: tanshindehuninsuru: live far from one's family for a job <<< 単身
related words: 帰任


pronunciation: hunou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: impossibility, impotence
不能の: hunouno: impossible, impotent
配達不能: haitatsuhunou: impossible to deliver <<< 配達
生殖不能: seishokuhunou: unprocreative, incapable of reproduction, impotent <<< 生殖
通行不能: tsuukouhunou: impassable <<< 通行
攻略不能: kouryakuhunou: invulnerable <<< 攻略
性交不能: seikouhunou: impotence <<< 性交
再起不能: saikihunou: past [beyond all] hope of recovery, disabled for active service <<< 再起
回収不能: kaishuuhunou: irrecoverable, irretrievable <<< 回収
related words: 無能 , インポ


pronunciation: huhai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , politics
translation: rot (n.), decomposition, decay (n.), corruption, putrefaction
腐敗する: huhaisuru: become rot, decompose, decay (v.), corrupt, putrefy
腐敗した: huhaishita: rotten, putrefied, decayed, addled, tainted, turned
腐敗しやすい: huhaishiyasui: perishable, corruptible, easy to go bad
腐敗止めの: huhaidomeno: antiseptic, preservative <<<
腐敗中毒: huhaichuudoku: septic poisoning <<< 中毒


pronunciation: hubuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: snowstorm, blizzard
紙吹雪: kamihubuki: confetti <<<


pronunciation: huhei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: dissatisfaction, complaint, grouse (n.)
不平を抱く: huheioidaku: be dissatisfied [disconnected] with, harbor a grievance (against) <<<
不平を言う: huheioiu: grumble at [about, over], complain of, grouse about [at], squeal <<<
不平家: huheika: grumbler <<<
不平分子: huheibunshi: discontent (n.), dissatisfied element <<< 分子
synonyms: 不満


pronunciation: huhen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: unchangeability, immutability
不変性: huhensei <<<
不変の: huhennno: unchangeable, invariable, immutable, constant (a.)
不変の法則: huhennnohousoku: immutable law <<< 法則
不変色: huhenshoku: permanent [fast] color <<<
不変数: huhensuu: constant (n.), invariable <<<
不変量: huhenryou <<<

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