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Direct access: 紛失 , 噴射 , 噴出 , 粉飾 , 噴水 , 紛争 , 分別 , 粉末 , 平穏 , 陛下


pronunciation: hunshitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: loss, disappearance
紛失する: hunshitsusuru: lose, miss
紛失した: hunshitsushita: lost, missing
紛失物: hunshitsubutsu: lost (missing) article <<<
紛失主: hunshitsunushi: owner of a lost article <<<
紛失者: hunshitsusha <<<
紛失届: hunshitsutodoke: report of the loss <<<


pronunciation: hunsha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: blast-off, injection, jet
噴射する: hunshasuru: blast off, fire, inject
噴射機: hunshaki: injector <<<
燃料噴射: nenryouhunsha: fuel injection <<< 燃料
related words: ジェット


pronunciation: hunshutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: spouting, gushing, jet, extrusion, eruption
噴出する: hunshutsusuru: spout, gush out [forth], spurt (out), belch (out, forth), boil out, well (out, up, forth)
噴出物: hunshutsubutsu: ejecta, eruptions <<<
related words: 噴火


pronunciation: hunshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: embellishment, varnish (n.)
粉飾する: hunshokusuru: embellish, varnish (v.)
粉飾を施す: hunshokuohodokosu <<<
粉飾決済: hunshokukessai: window-dressing settlement <<< 決済


pronunciation: hunsui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: fountain
噴水器: hunsuiki: waterspout <<<
噴水孔: hunsuikou: jet, spout <<<


pronunciation: hunsou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 紛諍
keyword: war
translation: dispute, strife, conflict
紛争中の: hunsouchuuno <<<
紛争を起こす: hunsouookosu: come to blows <<<
紛争を避ける: hunsouosakeru: avoid a dispute [conflict] <<<
国境紛争: kokkyouhunsou: boundary dispute <<< 国境
大学紛争: daigakuhunsou: student uprisings <<< 大学
国際紛争: kokusaihunsou: international disputes <<< 国際
カシミール紛争: kashimiiruhunsou: Kashmir dispute <<< カシミール
キプロス紛争: kipurosuhunsou: Cyprus dispute <<< キプロス


pronunciation: hunbetsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: judgment, discretion, prudence, good sense
分別の有る: hunbetsunoaru: discreet, prudent, thoughtful, wise, sensible <<<
分別の有る人: hunbetsunoaruhito: a man of sense <<<
分別の無い: hunbetsunonai: indiscreet, ill-advised, thoughtless, reckless <<<
無分別: muhunbetsu: indiscretion, imprudence
無分別の: muhunbetsuno: indiscreet, thoughtlessness
分別臭い: hunbetsukusai: prudent-looking, hypocritical <<<
分別臭い事を言う: hunbetsukusaikotooiu: talk like a man of experience
synonyms: 慎重


pronunciation: hunmatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: powder (n.)
粉末の: hunmatsuno: powder (a.), powdered
粉末状: hunmatsujou <<<
粉末にする: hunmatsunisuru: powder (v.), reduce to powder
粉末石鹸: hunmatsusekken: soap powder <<< 石鹸
related words: パウダー


pronunciation: heion
kanji characters: ,
translation: peacefulness, quiet, calm, tranquility
平穏な: heionnna: peaceful, quiet, calm, tranquil
平穏に: heionnni: in peace and quiet
平穏に成る: heionnninaru: become quiet <<<
平穏裡に: heionrini: calmly, without ruffle or excitement
synonyms: 平和


pronunciation: heika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: His [Her] Majesty, Your Majesty
両陛下: ryouheika: Their Majesties, Your Majesties <<<
皇后陛下: kougouheika: Her Majesty the Empress <<< 皇后
天皇陛下: tennnouheika: His Majesty The Emperor <<< 天皇
related words: 閣下

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