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Direct access: 下手 , 糸瓜 , 蛇苺 , 蛇遣い , 蛇年 , 部屋 , 変圧 , 変位 , 変異 , 変化


pronunciation: heta
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: unskilfulness, mediocrity
下手な: hetana: poor, unskillful, mediocre
下手をやる: hetaoyaru: make a mess of it
下手をすると: hetaosuruto: if you do not take enough care, if you are unlucky
下手に成る: hetaninaru: get out of practice <<<
下手糞: hetakuso: really bad! <<<
下手な考え休むに似たり: hetanakangaeyasumuninitari: it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one, they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep, inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
下手な鉄砲も数打てば当たる: hetanateppoumokazuutebaataru: even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries, even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
演技が下手: engigaheta: be a poor actor, perform badly <<< 演技
着付が下手: kitsukegaheta: dress oneself badly <<< 着付
related words: 上手


pronunciation: hechima
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 天糸瓜
keyword: vegetable
translation: (dishcloth, sponge) gourd
糸瓜の束子: hechimanotawashi: sponge gourd <<< 束子


pronunciation: hebiichigo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: mock [false, Indian] strawberry


pronunciation: hebitsukai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 蛇使い
keyword: show
translation: snake charmer
蛇遣い座: hebitsukaiza: Ophiuchus, snake messenger <<<


pronunciation: hebidoshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: year of the snake (in Chinese calendar)
related words: 干支


pronunciation: heya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: room, chamber, stable (of sumo)
部屋を借りる: heyaokariru: rent a room <<<
部屋探し: heyasagashi: room hunting <<<
部屋履き: heyabaki: slipper <<<
部屋代: heyadai: room rent <<<
部屋着: heyagi: matinee, negligee <<<
部屋番号: heyabangou: room number <<< 番号
空き部屋: akibeya: vacancy room <<< , 空室
大部屋: oobeya: large room, actors' common room, dormitory <<<
二人部屋: hutaribeya: double room, twin room <<< 二人
一人部屋: hitoribeya: single room [bedroom] <<< 一人
二階の部屋: nikainoheya: upstairs room, room on the second floor <<< 二階
仕切部屋: shikiribeya: partition (room) <<< 仕切
支度部屋: shitakubeya: retirement [dressing] room <<< 支度
勉強部屋: benkyoubeya: study (room) <<< 勉強
衣装部屋: ishoubeya: garderobe, cloakroom <<< 衣装
子供部屋: kodomobeya: nursery, child's room <<< 子供
快適な部屋: kaitekinaheya: agreeable room <<< 快適
related words: ルーム ,


pronunciation: hennatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: transformation
変圧する: hennatsusuru: transform
変圧器: hennatsuki: transformer <<<
変圧所: hennatsusho: voltage transformation substation <<<
related words: トランス


pronunciation: henni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: displacement
変位電流: hennidenryuu: displacement current <<< 電流


pronunciation: henni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: variation, mutation
突然変異: totsuzenhenni: mutation <<< 突然


pronunciation: henka, henge
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar , sport
translation: change, variation, variety, transformation
変化する: henkasuru: change, make [undergo] a change, turn, vary, alter, be transformed, inflect, conjugate, decline
変化し易い: henkashiyasui: changeable, variable <<<
変化に富んだ: henkanitonda: full of variety, varied, diverse, eventful <<<
変化の有る: henkanoaru <<<
変化に乏しい: henkanitoboshii: changeless, lacking of variety, monotonous <<<
変化の無い: henkanonai <<<
変化を与える: henkaoataeru: give variety <<<
変化形: henkakei: varied form <<<
変化球: henkakyuu: slow ball, curve ball <<<
格変化: kakuhenka: inflection, conjugation, declension <<<
動詞変化: doushihenka: conjugation <<< 動詞
刻々と変化する: kokkokutohenkasuru: change every second <<< 刻々
気圧変化: kiatsuhenka: change of atmospheric pressure <<< 気圧
化学変化: kagakuhenka: chemical reaction <<< 化学
名詞変化: meishihenka: declination <<< 名詞
形態変化: keitaihenka: metamorphosis <<< 形態
synonyms: 変動

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