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Direct access: 返還 , 返却 , 辺境 , 編曲 , 返金 , 偏屈 , 変形 , 偏見 , 変更 , 変質


pronunciation: henkan
kanji characters: ,
translation: return, restoration, repayment
返還する: henkansuru: return, restore, repay


pronunciation: henkyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: return (n.), repayment
返却する: henkyakusuru: return, give back
本を返却する: honnohenkyakusuru: return the book <<<
synonyms: 返送 , 返品


pronunciation: henkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: frontier, border, borderland
辺境の地: henkyounochi: distant [border] area, borderland <<<
辺境伯: henkyouhaku: margrave <<<
辺境開拓: henkyoukaitaku: frontier settlement <<< 開拓
辺境開拓者: henkyoukaitakusha: frontiersman <<<
辺境開拓精神: henkyoukaitakuseishin: frontier spirit <<< 精神
related words: 国境 , フロンティア


pronunciation: henkyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: arrangement [adaptation] (of a music)
編曲する: henkyokusuru: arrange (a music)


pronunciation: henkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: repayment, refundment
返金する: henkinsuru: return the money, pay back, refund


pronunciation: henkutsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: obstination, eccentricity
偏屈な: henkutsuna: obstinate, bigoted, narrow-minded, eccentric


pronunciation: henkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: transformation, metamorphosis, modification
変形する: henkeisuru: change [turn] (into), be transformed [metamorphosed] (into), transform, change
変形文法: henkeibunpou: transformational grammar <<< 文法
related words: 変化


pronunciation: henken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: prejudice, bias, prejudiced view
偏見有る: henkennaru: prejudiced, biased, partial, unfair <<<
偏見無い: henkennnai: unprejudiced, unbiased, impartial, fair <<<
偏見を抱く: henkennoidaku: have a prejudice against, be prejudiced (biased) against <<<
偏見を持つ: henkennomotsu <<<


pronunciation: henkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: change (n.), modification, alteration
変更する: henkousuru: change (v.), modify, alter
変更出来る: henkoudekiru: alterable, changeable <<< 出来
変更出来ない: henkoudekinai: unalterable, unchangeable
住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 住所
名称を変更する: meishouohenkousuru: change the name, give another name <<< 名称


pronunciation: henshitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: degeneracy, degeneration
変質する: henshitsusuru: change in quality, go bad, degenerate (v.)
変質者: henshitsusha: (sexual) pervert, degenerate (n.) <<< , 変態
related words: 悪化

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