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Direct access: 編集 , 返信 , 変身 , 返事 , 変人 , 変数 , 編成 , 変遷 , 変装 , 返送


pronunciation: henshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: edition
編集する: henshuusuru: edit
編集者: henshuusha: editor, compiler, cutter <<<
編集長: henshuuchou: chief editor <<< , デスク
編集部: henshuubu: editorial staff <<<
編集所: henshuusho: editorial office <<<
新聞を編集する: shinbunnohenshuusuru: edit a newspaper <<< 新聞


pronunciation: henshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: reply (n.), answer, letter [mail] in reply
返信する: henshinsuru: answer [reply to] a letter [mail], send a reply
返信料: henshinryou: return postage <<<
返信用: henshinnyou: for reply <<<
返信用葉書: henshinnyouhagaki: reply (postal) card <<< 葉書
related words: 返事 , 返答


pronunciation: henshin
kanji characters: ,
translation: transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis
変身する: henshinsuru: disguise oneself, change into a different man, change from what one used to be, metamorphose, transform
related words: 変装


pronunciation: henji
kanji characters: ,
translation: reply, answer
返事をする: henjiosuru: reply, answer, give a reply [answer]
返事をしない: henjioshinai: make no reply
返事が有る: henjigaaru: get an answer from <<<
返事が無い: henjiganai: get no answer from <<<
生返事: namahenji: vague [non committal] answer <<<
生返事する: namahenjisuru: give a vague [non committal] answer
related words: 返答 , 応答 , 回答


pronunciation: henjin
kanji characters: ,
translation: odd [eccentric] person, queer fellow, geek, flake, wack, freak
related words: 狂人


pronunciation: hensuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: variable
確率変数: kakuritsuhensuu: random variable <<< 確率


pronunciation: hensei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 編制
keyword: train , war
translation: organization, formation
編成する: henseisuru: organize, form, make up
編成される: henseisareru: consist of, be composed of
編成替え: henseigae: reorganization <<<
編成替えする: henseigaesuru: reorganize


pronunciation: hensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: change (n.), vicissitude
変遷する: hensensuru: change (v.), undergo changes
変遷期の: hensenkino: transitory <<<


pronunciation: hensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: disguise (n.)
変装する: hensousuru: disguise oneself, make up, masquerade
変装した: hensoushita: disguised
変装して: hensoushite: in the disguise of
related words: 変身 , 仮面


pronunciation: hensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: return (n.), sending back
返送する: hensousuru: return (v.), send back
synonyms: 返却 , 返品

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