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Direct access: 変速 , 編隊 , 変態 , 変調 , 変梃 , 返答 , 扁桃腺 , 変動 , 編入 , 返納


pronunciation: hensoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: speed change
変速する: hensokusuru: change speed
変速機: hensokuki: gearshift <<< , ギア
変速装置: hensokusouchi <<< 装置
変速レバー: hensokurebaa: gear lever <<< レバー


pronunciation: hentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: (plane) formation, squadron
編隊を組む: hentaiokumu: fly in formation, formate <<<
編隊飛行: hentaihikou: formation flight <<< 飛行


pronunciation: hentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , sex
translation: anomaly, abnormality, metamorphosis, transformation, perversion
変態する: hentaisuru: metamorphose (into), transform
変態的: hentaiteki: abnormal, perverse <<<
変態心理: hentaishinri: abnormal mentality <<< 心理
変態性欲: hentaiseiyoku: abnormal sexuality, sexual perversion <<< 性欲
変態性欲者: hentaiseiyokusha: sexual perverse <<<
related words: 異常 , エッチ ,


pronunciation: henchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: physics
translation: abnormal conditions, modulation
変調を来たす: henchouokitasu: stop functioning properly, go out of order [shape] <<<


pronunciation: henteko
kanji characters: ,
translation: strangeness, oddness
変梃な: hentekona: strange, odd


pronunciation: hentou
kanji characters: ,
translation: reply (n.), answer
返答する: hentousuru: reply (v.), answer, give a reply [answer]
返答に窮する: hentounikyuusuru: not know how to answer <<<
related words: 返事 , 回答


pronunciation: hentousen
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: body
translation: tonsils, almonds
扁桃腺が腫れる: hentousengahareru: have swollen tonsils <<<
扁桃腺炎: hentousennen: tonsillitis <<<


pronunciation: hendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: change, alteration, variation, fluctuations
変動する: hendousuru: change, alter, vary, fluctuate
変動が激しい: hendougahageshii: be subject to wide fluctuations <<<
変動所得: hendoushotoku: fluctuating income <<< 所得
大変動: daihendou: violent [radical] change, cataclysm, catastrophe, upheaval <<< , カタストロフィー
相場変動: soubahendou: price fluctuation, fluctuation of a market price <<< 相場
地殻変動: chikakuhendou: crustal movement <<< 地殻
在庫変動: zaikohendou: change in inventory [stock], inventory change <<< 在庫
価格変動: kakakuhendou: price fluctuation <<< 価格
景気変動: keikihendou: business fluctuations <<< 景気
synonyms: 変化


pronunciation: hennnyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: admission, incorporation, entry
編入する: hennnyuusuru: admit into, put in, incorporate


pronunciation: hennnou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: restitution, refund (n.), reimbursement
返納する: hennnousuru: return (a thing to a person), give back, refund (v.), reimburse

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