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Direct access: 干芋 , 星屑 , 星空 , 干物 , 保釈 , 保守 , 捕手 , 補習 , 補修 , 補償


pronunciation: hoshiimo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 干し芋
keyword: confectionery
translation: dried sweet potato


pronunciation: hoshikuzu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy
translation: many small stars (in the sky)


pronunciation: hoshizora
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy
translation: starry sky
related words: 夜空


pronunciation: hoshimono, himono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 干し物
keyword: clothes , food
translation: clothes to dry, dried fish
干物挟み: hoshimonobasami: clothes-pin, clothes peg <<<
干物掛け: hoshimonokake: clothes-horse <<<
干物綱: hoshimonoZuna: clothes-line <<<
干物にする: himononisuru: dry [cure] (a fish)


pronunciation: hoshaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: bail, bailment
保釈する: hoshakusuru: release (a person) on bail
保釈される: hoshakusareru: be released on bail
保釈中: hoshakuchuu: on bail <<<
保釈金: hoshakukin: bail money <<<
保釈人: hoshakunin: parolee <<<


pronunciation: hoshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , industry
translation: conservatism, maintenance
保守する: hoshusuru: maintain, conserve
保守的: hoshuteki: conservative (a.) <<<
保守系: hoshukei: conservative affiliated <<<
保守党: hoshutou: conservative party <<<
保守党員: hoshutouin: conservative (n.) <<<
保守勢力: hoshuseiryoku: conservative force <<< 勢力
保守主義: hoshushugi: conservatism <<< 主義
保守陣営: hoshujinnei: conservative camp
synonyms: 整備 , 維持 , メンテナンス


pronunciation: hoshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: baseball
translation: baseball catcher
synonyms: キャッチャー


pronunciation: hoshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: supplementary [extra] lessons
補習する: hoshuusuru: tutor (v.)
補習が有る: hoshuugaaru: have supplementary [extra] lessons, have a refresher <<<
補習科: hoshuuka: supplementary [refresher] course <<<


pronunciation: hoshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: repair (n.), repairing, fix, fixing
補修する: hoshuusuru: repair (v.), fix, mend
synonyms: 修理 , 修繕


pronunciation: hoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: compensation, reparation, indemnity
補償する: hoshousuru: compensate, indemnify, make compensation for, make up for (the loss)
補償案: hoshouan: compensation bill <<<
補償金: hoshoukin: compensation (money), indemnity <<<
補償金を取る: hoshoukinnotoru: receive the compensation money (from) <<<
補償金を貰う: hoshoukinnomorau <<<
補償金を支払う: hoshoukinnoshiharau: pay compensation to <<< 支払
補償金を払う: hoshoukinnoharau <<<
補償作用: hoshousayou: compensation (action) <<< 作用
刑事補償: keijihoshou: criminal indemnity (for) <<< 刑事
遺族補償: izokuhoshou: compensation for the bereaved <<< 遺族
災害補償: saigaihoshou: accident compensation <<< 災害

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