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Direct access: 胸焼 , 無念 , 無能 , 無法 , 謀叛 , 無謀 , 無名 , 無闇 , 夢遊病 , 無用


pronunciation: muneyake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: heartburn, pyrosis
胸焼がする: muneyakegasuru: have a heartburn


pronunciation: munen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: regret (n.), mortification, chagrin
無念に思う: munennniomou: regret (v.), be mortified [chagrined] (at, by), resent <<<
無念を晴らす: munennoharasu: revenge oneself (upon), get even (with), pay off old scores (with) <<<
無念無想: munenmusou: free from worldly thoughts
related words: 残念


pronunciation: munou
kanji characters: ,
translation: incompetence, lack of ability [skill]
無能力: munouryoku <<<
無能力者: munouryokusha: incompetent person <<<
無能な: munouna: incompetent, incapable, good-for-nothing
related words: 不能


pronunciation: muhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , crime
translation: unlawfulness
無法な: muhouna: unlawful, lawless, outrageous
無法者: muhoumono: outrageous fellow, outlaw <<<


pronunciation: muhon
kanji characters:
keyword: politics
translation: rebellion, revolt, insurrection, treason
謀叛を企てる: muhonnokuwadateru: plot a rebellion <<<
謀叛を起こす: muhonnookosu: rebel [revolt, conspire] (against), rise in revolt (against) <<<
謀叛をする: muhonnosuru
謀叛人: muhonnnin: rebel, traitor, conspirator <<<
synonyms: 陰謀


pronunciation: mubou
kanji characters: ,
translation: recklessness, thoughtlessness, imprudence
無謀な: mubouna: reckless, rash, thoughtless, imprudent
無謀にも: mubounimo: be so unreasonable [outrageous] as


pronunciation: mumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: namelessness, anonymity
無名の: mumeino: nameless, unnamed, anonymous
無名氏: mumeishi: anonymous person <<<
無名作家: mumeisakka: obscure writer <<< 作家
無名戦士: mumeisenshi: unknown soldier <<< 戦士
無名戦士の墓: mumeisenshinohaka: tomb of the unknown <<<
antonyms: 有名


pronunciation: muyami
kanji characters: ,
translation: recklessness, excess, rash thing
無闇に: muyamini: recklessly, thoughtlessly, rashly, immoderately, excessively, too much, indiscriminately, unreasonably
無闇に働く: muyaminihataraku: work too hard <<<


pronunciation: muyuubyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: disease
translation: sleepwalking, somnambulism
夢遊病者: muyuubyousha: sleepwalker, somnambulist <<<


pronunciation: muyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: uselessness
無用の: muyouno: unnecessary, needless, useless, unavailing, of no use [avail], without business
無用の長物: muyounochoubutsu: useless and troublesome thing, good-for-nothing
天地無用: tenchimuyou: This side up <<< 天地

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