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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46
Direct access: 命日 , 名物 , 名目 , 名誉 , 命令 , 迷惑 , 目上 , 女神 , 目薬 , 目先


pronunciation: meinichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: death
translation: day of a person's death, obit


pronunciation: meibutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: noted (special) product, specialty, special (feature) attraction
名物男: meibutsuotoko: popular figure, local character <<<


pronunciation: meimoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: title, name, pretext
名目上の: meimokujouno: nominal, in name only, pretext <<<
名目賃金: meimokuchingin: nominal wages <<< 賃金


pronunciation: meiyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: honor, credit, fame, reputation, glory
名誉な: meiyona: honorable, glorious
名誉有る: meiyoaru <<<
名誉を汚す: meiyookegasu: bring disgrace on, injure a person's honor [reputation], defame, distain <<<
名誉を貶める: meiyoootoshimeru <<<
名誉を重んじる: meiyooomonjiru: have a keen sense of honor <<<
名誉に思う: meiyoniomou: feel honored <<<
名誉心: meiyoshin: desire for fame, ambition <<<
名誉欲: meiyoyoku <<<
名誉毀損: meiyokison: defamation, libel <<< 毀損
名誉市民: meiyoshimin: honorary citizen <<< 市民
名誉学位: meiyogakui: honorable degree <<< 学位
名誉教授: meiyokyouju: emeritus <<< 教授
不名誉: humeiyo: dishonor, stigma <<< , 汚名
synonyms: 栄誉


pronunciation: meirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , grammar
translation: command, order, direction, instructions
命令する: meireisuru: command (v.), order (v.), give orders [instructions, a command]
命令を発する: meireiohassuru <<<
命令を出す: meireiodasu <<<
命令で: meireide: by command of
命令通りにする: meireidoorinisuru: do as one is told, act upon a person's order <<<
命令に従う: meireinishitagau <<<
命令に背く: meireinisomuku: defy order <<<
命令的: meireiteki: imperative, peremptory, dictatorial <<<
命令法: meireihou: imperative mood <<<
命令を実行する: meireiojikkousuru: carry out the orders <<< 実行
業務命令: gyoumumeirei: business order <<< 業務
行政命令: gyouseimeirei: executive order <<< 行政
休戦命令: kyuusenmeirei: ceasefire order <<< 休戦
至上命令: shijoumeirei: supreme order, categorical imperative <<< 至上
撤退命令: tettaimeirei: evacuation order <<< 撤退
退去命令: taikyomeirei: order for withdrawal [evacuation] <<< 退去
避難命令: hinanmeirei: evacuation order <<< 避難
執行命令: shikkoumeirei: order of execution <<< 執行
裁判所命令: saibanshomeirei: court order <<< 裁判所
related words: 指令 , 指図


pronunciation: meiwaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: trouble (n.), annoyance, disturbance, nuisance
迷惑な: meiwakuna: troublesome, annoying
迷惑を掛ける: meiwakuokakeru: trouble (v.), annoy, disturb, bother <<<
迷惑する: meiwakusuru: be troubled, be annoyed
迷惑を被る: meiwakuokoumuru <<<
迷惑メール: meiwakumeeru: spam <<< メール , スパム
近所迷惑: kinjomeiwaku: nuisance to neighbors <<< 近所
synonyms: 厄介


pronunciation: meue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: superior (n.), elder, senior
目上の: meueno: superior (a.), elder, senior
目上の者: meuenomono: one's superiors [betters], one's senior <<<
synonyms: 年上 , 上司
antonyms: 目下


pronunciation: megami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , fantasy
translation: goddess
運命の女神: unmeinomegami: Goddess of Destiny <<< 運命
自由の女神: jiyuunomegami: Statue of Liberty <<< 自由


pronunciation: megusuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: eyewater, eyewash
目薬を注す: megusuriosasu: apply eye lotion <<<


pronunciation: mesaki
kanji characters: ,
translation: (just) before one, under one's nose, in one's presence
目先に: mesakini
目先が利く: mesakigakiku: have foresight, be farsighted <<<
目先の見えない: mesakinomienai: shortsighted <<<
目先の変わった: mesakinokawatta: new, novel, out of the ordinary <<<

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