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Direct access: 間取 , 微睡 , 俎板 , 真夏 , 間抜け , 真似 , 麻痺 , 真昼 , 魔法 , 継母


pronunciation: madori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: plan of a house


pronunciation: madoromi
kanji characters: ,
translation: doze (n.), nap
微睡む: madoromu: doze (v.), doze into a sleep
related words: 昼寝


pronunciation: manaita
kanji characters: ,
other spells: まな板
keyword: utensil
translation: chopping [cutting] board
俎板の鯉: manaitanokoi: confronted with a hopeless situation <<<


pronunciation: manatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: midsummer, height of summer
真夏に: manatsuni: in midsummer, in the height of summer


pronunciation: manukena
kanji characters: ,
translation: stupid fellow, blockhead, ass, bonehead
間抜けな: manukena: silly, half-witted, stupid, foolish, dull
synonyms: 頓馬


pronunciation: mane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: imitation, mimicry
真似る: maneru: imitate, copy, pretend, feign, simulate
真似をする: maneosuru
真似が巧い: manegaumai: be a clever imitator (of) <<<
真似事: manegoto: sham, mockery <<<
猿真似: sarumane: parrotlike imitation, indiscriminate imitation <<<
物真似: monomane: mimicry, takeoff, impersonation <<<
物真似する: monomanesuru: mimic (v.), ape, take off, impersonate
文体を真似る: buntaiomaneru: imitate one's style <<< 文体
synonyms: 模倣 , 模造 , コピー


pronunciation: mahi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: paralysis, palsy, numbness, anesthesia
麻痺する: mahisuru: be paralyzed [benumbed], become numb (with)
麻痺した: mahishita: paralyzed, benumbed
麻痺させる: mahisaseru: paralyze, benumb
脊髄麻痺: sekizuimahi: spinal paralysis <<< 脊髄
運動麻痺: undoumahi: motor paralysis <<< 運動
小児麻痺: shounimahi: infantile paralysis, poliomyelitis, polio <<< 小児
心臓麻痺: shinzoumahi: heart attack <<< 心臓
antonyms: 中気


pronunciation: mahiru
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: high noon, broad daylight
真昼に: mahiruni: at high noon, in broad daylight
真昼の決闘: mahirunokettou: High Noon (an US western, 1952) <<< 決闘
synonyms: 正午


pronunciation: mahou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: magic, sorcery, witchery, mojo, witching
魔法を使う: mahouotsukau: use [practice] magic <<< 使
魔法を掛ける: mahouokakeru <<<
魔法使い: mahoutsukai: magician, sorcerer, witch, wizard <<< 使
魔法瓶: mahoubin: thermos (bottle, flask) <<<
魔法のランプ: mahounoranpu: magic lamp [lantern] <<< ランプ
synonyms: 魔術


pronunciation: mamahaha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: stepmother

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