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Direct access: 朧気 , 御盆 , 御前 , 御負け , 御守 , 御神籤 , 汚名 , 御目出度 , 思い出 , 思い遣


pronunciation: oboroge
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 朧げ
translation: dimness, vagueness, faintness
朧気な: oborogena: dim, vague, hazy, faint
朧気に: oborogeni: dimly, vaguely, faintly


pronunciation: obon
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お盆
keyword: fest
translation: Bon Festival (celebrated around 15 July in lunar calendar, now around 15 August), Lantern Festival, Buddhist Day of the Dead
related words: 中元


pronunciation: omae, onmae
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お前
translation: you (sing.), my dear, my child [boy]
御前は: omaewa: you are
御前の: omaeno: your
御前に: omaeni: you, to you
御前達: omaetachi: you (plur.) <<<
related words: 貴様 , 貴方


pronunciation: omake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 御まけ
keyword: business
translation: extra, premium, discount
御負けに: omakeni: in addition, besides, moreover
御負けする: omakesuru: give a discount


pronunciation: omamori, omori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お守
keyword: religion , family
translation: charm against evils, talisman, nursemaid, baby-sitter
開運の御守: kaiunnnoomamori: charm of luck <<< 開運
synonyms: 子守


pronunciation: omikuji
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: お神籤
keyword: religion
translation: written oracle, fortune slip
御神籤を引く: omikujiohiku: draw a sacred lot <<<


pronunciation: omei
kanji characters: ,
translation: dishonor, disgrace, stigma, stain on one's name
汚名を被る: omeiokoumuru: bring disgrace [a bad name] upon oneself, be stigmatized <<<
汚名を雪ぐ: omeiososogu: clear oneself of a charge, wipe off the disgrace <<<


pronunciation: omedetou
kanji characters: , , ,
other spells: 御芽出度
keyword: greeting
translation: congratulations!
御目出度い: omedetai: matter for congratulation
御目出度い人: omedetaihito: soft-headed person, simpleton <<<


pronunciation: omoide
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 想い出
keyword: life
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, reminiscence
思い出す: omoidasu: remember, recollect, recall
思い出に耽る: omoidenihukeru: reminisce <<<
思い出多い: omoideooi: full of memories, memorable <<<
related words: 記憶 , 回想 , 追憶


pronunciation: omoiyari
kanji characters: ,
translation: sympathy, consideration
思い遣の有る: omoiyarinoaru: sympathetic, considerate, kind <<<
思い遣の無い: omoiyarinonai: unsympathetic, inconsiderate, unkind <<<
思い遣る: omoiyaru: sympathize with, be considerate of
related words: 親切 , 同情

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