Japanese display
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Direct access: 大粒 , 大手 , 大波 , 大麦 , 大物 , 大家 , 大雪 , 大凡 , 御帰り , 御蔭


pronunciation: ootsubu
kanji characters: ,
translation: large drop
大粒の雨: ootsubunoame: large drops of rain <<<


pronunciation: oote
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: stretched arms, major (company)
大手を広げて: oodeohirogete: with open arms <<<
大手を振って: oodeohutte: in triumph, triumphantly <<<
大手門: ootemon: main gate (of a castle) <<<
大手町: ootemachi: Otemachi (a district of Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) <<<
大手筋: ootesuji: leading speculators [traders, companies, enterprises] <<<
大手企業: ootekigyou: major company <<< 企業
最大手: saioote: flag company <<<


pronunciation: oonami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea
translation: big [large] wave
antonyms: 小波


pronunciation: oomugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: cereal
translation: barleycorn, barley


pronunciation: oomono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , crime
translation: leading figure, big shot
大物が掛かる: oomonogakakaru: catch a big one <<<
大物を仕留める: oomonooshitomeru


pronunciation: ooya, taika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty , art
translation: owner of a rented house, landlord, great master
書道の大家: shodounotaika: master calligrapher <<< 書道


pronunciation: ooyuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: heavy snow [snowfall]
大雪が降る: ooyukigahuru: it snows hard [heavily] <<<
antonyms: 小雪


pronunciation: ooyoso
kanji characters: ,
translation: about, nearly, in round number, around, quite, entirely, (not) at all
大凡の: ooyosono: rough, approximate
大凡の数: ooyosonokazu: approximate number <<<
大凡の所: ooyosonotokoro: taking it by and large, roughly speaking <<<
大凡の見積: ooyosonomitsumori: rough estimate <<< 見積


pronunciation: okaeri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お帰り
keyword: greeting
translation: Are you back?
御帰りなさい: okaerinasai
もう御帰りですか: mouokaeridesuka: Already you are going?


pronunciation: okage
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お蔭
keyword: greeting
translation: favor, aid, support
御蔭で: okagede: thanks to, by grace of
御蔭様: okagesama: thanks <<<

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